depuis qd les gasy st homo??pfff

141. Zina ( 22/06/2006 17:43)
Diamondra a ity ny toko sy andiny hanampiko anao -
no sady i cutie avy any amerika ka mahay miteny anglisy.. ary aza miteny hoe lava be satria io ny valin'ny fanontanianao hatramin'izay.
Passage Romans 1:26-32:

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

142. pissoa ( 22/06/2006 17:45)

Diamondra27: efa hatrany ankimbon-dreniny io e fa ny societé fotsiny mety hanarona na hampiseo ilay izy.Misy ny olona tsy nanana probléme mihitsy na ta@ mbola kely na efa lehibe kanefa dia lasa homo.Tsy miankina @ societé mihitsy ilay izy.
Misy tsy azoko ilay hoe hatrany ankibon-dreniny nefa avy eo hoy ianao hoe tsy nanana probleme mihitsy nefa lasa homo :roll:
143. cutie ( 22/06/2006 17:48)
laviko fona, arak'le nolzaiko ery ambony
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also
approve of those who practice them.

tsy mitovy ary @le nolazain-jy ary @ forum finoana sy fivavahana ve io :roll::roll::roll:
144. Zina ( 22/06/2006 17:50)
kanefa kosa fantatra fa manao ratsy ry zareo isika dia afaka miteny sy manoro azy mba hihova ary rehefa tsy mety moa izy dia izay vita ny adidy...
145. diamondra27 ( 22/06/2006 17:50)
ravonjison: miezaka ny hahazo ny hevotrao aho fa tsy mety mahazo.

Ny olona zany de oe: homo hatrany ambohoka?

Misy lhl iray fantako nanazava ahy fa fony izy ados no fantany fa efa homo izy ; nefa kosa mba te-hiseho @ fiaraha-monina de nispa t@ vhv izy.
Ankehitriny izy de nanambady soa amatsara lhl, nanao pacte etc...
Donc amiko tsy tany ambohoka ny naha -homo azy
Nilaza io olona io fa maty ny rainy fony izy mbola kely de izy sy ny rahalahiny ary ny mamany sisa no niara-niaina teny. De nilaza izy fa manky taminy ny tsy fisiandrainy.

Misy indray vhv anankiray: lesb: fony izy 8ans de norohan'ny tantine-ny ny fivaviany sy nosafosafoiny teo nyvatan'ilay kalakely 8 ans , refa lebe le kalakely @izao fotoana de lasa lesb

Misy cas hafa maro azo lazaina ka tsy fantako na mitovy @io no tianao lazaina na tsia.
Io namako lhl io na ity kalakely 8 taona ity de noho ny fiaraha- monina no nahatonga azy homo fa tsy tany ankibondreny

146. cutie ( 22/06/2006 17:52)
: Zina [ Valio ] 22-06-2006 22:50:14
Lohateny : Re : depuis qd les gasy st homo??pfff
kanefa kosa fantatra fa manao ratsy ry zareo isika dia afaka miteny sy manoro azy mba hihova ary rehefa tsy mety moa izy dia izay vita ny adidy...

tsy manaiky an'zany za we manao ratsy ry zareo, resaka fitiavana no resahina eto.
147. ravonjison ( 22/06/2006 17:56)

I JAONA 2: 15 -17
Aza tia izao tontolo izao, na izay zavatra eo @izao tontolo izao. Raha misy olona tia ITI , dia tsy ao anatiny ny fitiavana ny Ray.
Fa ny zavatra rehetra eo @ ITI, dia ny filan'ny nofo sy ny filan'ny masoary ny rehaka momba izao fiainana izao, dia tsy avu @ Ray , fa avy @ ITI ihany
Ary mandalo ITI sy ny filàny fa izay manao ny sitrapo'Atra no maharitra mandrakizay

ITI=izao tontolo izao
Atra = Andriamanitra

Inona no tianao ho lazaina hoe zavatra eo@ izao tontolo izao? Ny ankamaroan'ny homo ( homo diagnostiqué,voaporofo,fa tsy ireo manandranadrana na koa miatdy vola @alalan'ny homosexualité,par exemple prostittion,tsy homo ireny fa pseudo homo )
anie tsy te hampirafy e,tsy te hijangajanga e,mpivavaka, mpino e, fa izy fotsiny orienté @ partenaire mitovy fananahana aminy.
148. diamondra27 ( 22/06/2006 17:56)
Zina: misaotra fa io ny verset tena notadiaviko hamaliana le filan'ny nofo , fanampin'ilay efa nomeko

cutie: verset direct io momba ny homo fa le nomeko teo mbola général
149. cutie ( 22/06/2006 18:00)
DM, tsy handresy lahatra ahy mitsy na hanome verset impolo aza nareo :-D
ny ahy fotsiny efa nambarako hatramizay de resaka fitiavana io, fa ny right wing frico christian no mandray antendrony de mitady porofo ao @baiboly:-D
150. diamondra27 ( 22/06/2006 18:07)
ravonjison: io namako connaisance io de tena homo, tsy mila vola izany ary tsy nande tany @ boîte no nifankahalalany sy nampifankatia azy

Ié tsy fidiny nefa afaka miala @izany izy
satria tsy misy zavatra tsy hain'Andriamanitra ny manafaka azy
Raha ohatra ka mbola nekeny ny maha -homo azy de choix-ny izay, de respecte-na izy fa tsy henjehina rehefa avy natoro ny lalana tokony aleha
Tsy azo terena ny olona, tu as fais et dis ce que tu as pu de tsy problème-nao intsony izany
151. Zina ( 22/06/2006 18:10)
tsy handresy lahatra ahy mitsy na hanome verset impolo aza nareo

satria ianao tsy mety hanova ny foanao na dia efa lazain'i baiboly ary.. anao samy irery zany...

tsy mitovy ary @le nolazain-jy ary @ forum finoana sy fivavahana ve io

ie satria ireo zavatra rehetra ireo dia fantatr'i satana fa efa akaiky ny androny...ka hamafisany ny fon'ny olombelona mba tsy hanaiky sy hiodina any @ andriamanitra

Diamondra tsisy fisaorana o.

mazoto daholo ianareo, ary ny fanahin'Andriamanitra anie mba hibitsibitsika ny fonareo rehetra
152. diamondra27 ( 22/06/2006 18:10)
cutie: tsy fandresendahatra na fitsarana no ataoko fa mila za ny marina fantako

chacun vit sa vie , tu es libre

fa je recpecte ton choix oa, sady tsy izaho mihitsy no hi-forcé olona izany oe: ovay ny hevitrao.

C'esy ton problème entre toi et Dieu maintenant
fa efa vita ny adidiko.

'Za ngah manana fahefana @ fiainan'ny olona izany?
Izaho aza mba miezaka ny tsy hanota koa
153. cutie ( 22/06/2006 18:12)
Zina ie ka za tsy hiova mitsy koa ka ohtranareo tsy miova io koa:-D
Sady za koa tsy mahita mitsy we fahotana ny maha homo .
154. pissoa ( 22/06/2006 18:16)
Amin'i cutie indray anie hitako hoe tsy misy fahotana izany e. Fa tsy hoe tsy fahotana ny maha-homo. :roll:
155. cutie ( 22/06/2006 18:19)
pissoa in a :roll:
156. pissoa ( 22/06/2006 18:21)
Ka io efa soratako io kou :roll:
157. diamondra27 ( 22/06/2006 18:23)
de inon ary no manosika ny olona hanao fiainana homo e!= c'est koi le plaisir dedans

de si cutie= homo de inona no itiavanjy le olona kay
158. ravonjison ( 22/06/2006 18:26)

o ry Ravonjison a!diso b ny miteny oe efa any ankibo dreniny dia efa homo
misy anomalie indray2 eo @ resaka hormona fa tsy oe tonga dia homo izy any ankibondreniny

Ka ilay disbalance na hormone anie dia baikon'ny sela izay aefa nisy fiovana hatrany ankibo e, fa atý aoriana vao miseho e.
159. cutie ( 22/06/2006 18:28)
Mpandefa : Zina [ Valio ] 22-06-2006 22:43:15
Lohateny : Re : depuis qd les gasy st homo??pfff
Diamondra a ity ny toko sy andiny hanampiko anao -
no sady i cutie avy any amerika ka mahay miteny anglisy.. ary aza miteny hoe lava be satria io ny valin'ny fanontanianao hatramin'izay.
Passage Romans 1:26-32:

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Miverina ery ambony

This is true, this is part of Romans. However, the book of romans is a book that was written AFTER the death of jesus. Therefore, these are not the words or beliefs of jesus himself, and therefore not those of god. At the time, homosexuality was widespread throughout the ancient world and thus the apostles who wrote Romans were seeing homosexuality all around them. However, these words are not those of the prophet and originator of Christianity and therfore cannot really be taken as what a christian should follow.

The later books of the new testament have always been questionable since they are no longer the words and teachings of jesus. Just look at Revelations, which is a schizophrenic hallucination by an apostle but has nothing to do with Jesus. The message of Christ is that of LOVE. Surely you agree to that? So, if you agree then why hate people? Surely jesus would be the FIRST person to love a homosexual since Jesus demand that we should treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. There has never been a message from Jesus himself in the gospels advocating hate. Please, if you can find a quote, then do so. But, there is none ebcause jesus was for love, not hatred from ignorance.

160. cutie ( 22/06/2006 18:31)
Mpandefa : diamondra27 [ Valio ] 22-06-2006 23:23:16
Lohateny : Re : depuis qd les gasy st homo??pfff
de inon ary no manosika ny olona hanao fiainana homo e!= c'est koi le plaisir dedans

de si cutie= homo de inona no itiavanjy le olona kay

tsyhaiko ny antony, anontanio an-dry zareo :-D
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