Halloween sy ny Kristiana

61. Fiffi ( 30/10/2006 18:13)
heu...de mifanaraha indray aloha nareo ry prime sy cutie an ! nefa toa samy mi-:-D hiany koh !
62. Fiffi ( 30/10/2006 18:24)
kay tena efa lasa any dago de malaza any koh ity halloween ity an!
63. Zina ( 30/10/2006 20:11)
nomen'Andriamanitra antsika marina ! fa ozy zah hoe raha toa ka nisafidy ny lalan'ny fahamarinana sy ny fahazavana de aleo mitandrina ma tsy ho voarebirebin'ny satana.

fiffi a marina anie io lazaina-ndry io... tsy afaka miteny ny olona isika oe tsy azo atao izao satria efa mahafantatra daholo ka safidy sisa retsy a...
ohatra izao fotsiny hoe isika tsy tokony ihinana kisoa satria efa voalaza ao @ baiboly fa tsy maha-salama no sady efa norarahin'Andriamanitra... CHOIX koa io
Izay ilay izy...
64. Achia ( 30/10/2006 20:58)
fa ra Kristiana kosa lo tokony tsy hinana poroka e !:-D:-D
65. Fiffi ( 30/10/2006 21:47)
Zina: aiza ho aiza anaty baiboly akia ny hahitana an'io ?
66. cutie ( 30/10/2006 21:56)
67. Fiffi ( 30/10/2006 22:04)
cutie: fa misy inona akia ? :)
68. cutie ( 30/10/2006 22:06)
i Zina :-D:-D:-D:-D
69. LazaDaddy ( 30/10/2006 23:26)
"Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name"...and thy Name only be hallowed.

"there is no other name by which we must be saved"
70. cutie ( 30/10/2006 23:56)
The real origin of halloween:
Samhain was the original festival that the Western Christian calendar moved its “All Saints’ Day” to (Eastern Christians continue to celebrate All Saints’ Day in the spring, as the Roman Christians had originally). Since the Celts, like many cultures, started every day at sunset of the night before, Samhain became the “evening” of “All Hallows” (“hallowed” = “holy” = “saint”) which was eventually contracted into “Hallow-e’en” or the modern “Halloween.”
Whether it was the Celtic New Year or not, Samhain was the beginning of the Winter or Dark Half of the Year (the seasons of Geimredh=Winter and Earrach=Spring) as Beltane was the beginning of the Summer or Light Half of the Year (the seasons of Samradh=Summer and Foghamhar=Fall). The day before Samhain is the last day of summer (or the old year) and the day after Samhain is the first day of winter (or of the new year). Being “between” seasons or years, Samhain was (and is) considered a very magical time, when the dead walk among the living and the veils between past, present and future may be lifted in prophecy and divination.

Many important mythological events are said to have occured on that day. It was on a Samhain that the Nemedians captured the terrible Tower of Glass built by the evil Formorians; that the Tuatha De Danann later defeated the Formors once and for all; and that many other events of a dramatic or prophetic nature in Celtic myth happened. Many of these events had to do with the temporary victory of the forces of darkness over those of light, signaling the beginning of the cold and dark half of the year.

Samhuinn, from 31 October to 2 November was a time of no-time. Celtic society, like all early societies, was highly structured and organised, everyone knew their place. But to allow that order to be psychologically comfortable, the Celts knew that there had to be a time when order and structure were abolished, when chaos could reign. And Samhuinn, was such a time. Time was abolished for the three days of this festival and people did crazy things, men dressed as women and women as men. [This happened at Beltane too — IB] Farmers’ gates were unhinged and left in ditches, peoples’ horses were moved to different fields, and children would knock on neighbours’ doors for food and treats in a way that we still find today, in a watered-down way, in the custom of trick-or-treating on Hallowe’en.

But behind this apparent lunacy, lay a deeper meaning. The Druids knew that these three days had a special quality about them. The veil between this world and the World of the Ancestors was drawn aside on these nights, and for those who were prepared, journeys could be made in safety to the ’other side’. The Druid rites, therefore, were concerned with making contact with the spirits of the departed, who were seen as sources of guidance and inspiration rather than as sources of dread. The dark moon, the time when no moon can be seen in the sky, was the phase of the moon which ruled this time, because it represents a time in which our mortal sight needs to be obscured in order for us to see into the other worlds.

The dead are honoured and feasted, not as the dead, but as the living spirits of loved ones and of guardians who hold the root-wisdom of the tribe. With the coming of Christianity, this festival was turned into Hallowe’en (31 October), All Hallows [All Saints Day] (1 November), and All Souls Day (2 November). Here we can see most clearly the way in which Christianity built on the Pagan foundations it found rooted in these isles. Not only does the purpose of the festival match with the earlier one, but even the unusual length of the festival is the same.

The Christian Church was unable to get the people to stop celebrating this holiday, so they simply sprinkled a little holy water on it and gave it new names, as they did with other Paleopagan holidays and customs. This was a form of calendrical imperialism, co-opting Paleopagan sacred times, as they had Paleopagan sacred places (most if not all of the great cathedrals of Europe were built on top of earlier Paleopagan shrines and sacred groves). So when Fundamentalists come to your local school board and try to get Halloween removed from the public schools because “it’s a Pagan holiday,” they are perfectly correct. Of course, Valentine’s Day/Lupercalia, Easter/Eostre, and Christmas/Yule also have many Paleopagan elements associated with their dating and/or symbols, as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and others have pointed out for decades. So if we decide to rid the public schools of all holidays that have Pagan aspects to them, there won’t be many left for the kids to enjoy

71. Zina ( 31/10/2006 03:45)
Fiffi [ Valio ] 30-10-2006 22:47:17
Lohateny : Re : Halloween sy ny Kristiana
Zina: aiza ho aiza anaty baiboly akia ny hahitana an'io

Jereo fotsiny ao Levitikosy 11:1-7 - Vakio doly ko

1 ¶ Le SEIGNEUR dit à Moïse et à Aaron :
2 Dites aux Israélites : De toutes les bêtes qui sont sur la terre, voici les animaux que vous pourrez manger.
3 Vous pourrez manger tout ce qui a les sabots fendus, les pieds fourchus, et qui rumine.
4 De ceux qui ruminent, ou qui ont les sabots fendus, voici ceux que vous ne mangerez pas : le chameau, qui rumine, mais qui n’a pas les sabots fendus : il est impur pour vous ;
5 le daman, qui rumine, mais qui n’a pas les sabots fendus : il est impur pour vous ;
6 le lièvre, qui rumine, mais qui n’a pas les sabots fendus : il est impur pour vous ;
7 le porc, qui a les sabots fendus et les pieds fourchus, mais qui ne rumine pas : il est impur pour vous.
8 Vous ne mangerez pas de leur viande, et vous ne toucherez pas leurs cadavres : ils sont impurs pour vous.

72. Zina ( 31/10/2006 03:47)
cutie [ Valio ] 30-10-2006 23:06:18
Lohateny : Re : Halloween sy ny Kristiana
i Zina

fa ahona ky za no mampime?
73. Zina ( 31/10/2006 04:01)
fiffi a ity ko dia safidy-tsika:
isaia 66: 15-17
Car voici, l'Éternel arrive dans un feu, Et ses chars sont comme un tourbillon; Il convertit sa colère en un brasier, Et ses menaces en flammes de feu.
C'est par le feu que l'Éternel exerce ses jugements, C'est par son glaive qu'il châtie toute chair; Et ceux que tuera l'Éternel seront en grand nombre.
Ceux qui se sanctifient et se purifient dans les jardins, Au milieu desquels ils vont un à un, Qui mangent de la chair de porc, Des choses abominables et des souris, Tous ceux-là périront, dit l'Éternel
74. Fiffi ( 31/10/2006 06:08)
LazaDaddy , cutie: tsy ny rehetra ange no mahay teny anglisy eh ! avadio fa tsy azo eh !

Zina: nefa iaza akia no tsy mihinana henankisoa ? afatsy ny silamo hiany zao no hitako hoe tsy mihinana.
75. Achia ( 31/10/2006 10:34)
Marina mitsy ny anao Fifi a ! ny andry cutie zany de tena lava mitsy zay aky tsa mahay teny angilisy a !:-D
76. cutie ( 31/10/2006 10:56)
Mpandefa : Fiffi [ Valio ] 31-10-2006 07:08:22
Lohateny : Re : Halloween sy ny Kristiana
LazaDaddy , cutie: tsy ny rehetra ange no mahay teny anglisy eh ! avadio fa tsy azo eh !

i Zina mahazo an'io fa asaovy hazavainy :lol::lol::lol:
77. Achia ( 31/10/2006 11:04)
i zina rery zany no olona eto ve ry kala a ! :-D:-D
78. prime ( 31/10/2006 11:59)
cutie> =))
79. cutie ( 31/10/2006 15:23)
80. Achia ( 31/10/2006 17:49)
cutie ô namako ô ô ! ataoko eo ndray le izy a ! fifi a ny Kristiana koa tokony tsy hinana izany ka ny resaka moa eto aleo inona fa tsy reska fihinana ko :°)
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