Ny tenin'Atra dia toy ny fitaratra.Ahoana izany?

41. piste ( 30/07/2007 00:07)
Dia ianao koa izany dia anao ireny olona manozona zanaka maditra ireny hoe raha tsy nisy ahy ianao tsy tonga teto an-tany.
Tsy misy maningavinga an\'i Marie mihitsy aloha e,sao dia diso eritreritra ianao,fa ilay izy ataonareo tohatra fiakarana no tena mampalahelo.
Averiko indray fa tsy misy na iray hoy Jesosy mankana amin\'ny Ray raha tsy avy amin\'ny alalany
Ny tena mampalahelo dia lasa 2 eme class indray Jesosy amin\'ny sasany fa lasa ireo masina be dia be ireo no mibahana.

Ohatry ny aviavy be ny valin-tenin`i Niryna, sao dia nisy naha-tezitra anao t@ valin-teniko. Ary ny mampalahelo fa dia hafa be ny fandraisanao ny zavatra nosoratako. Inona no ifandraisany @ fanozonana zanaka maditra, sns. Bon eritreritao irery iny fa aza afindra aty ilay pbl-nao voasoratrao atsy ambadika atsy.
Arak`ilay efa voalazako teo, sarotra ho anareo tsy manana notion-na devotion ny hahamantatra momba ny fanajana ny olomasina( isan`izany Masina Maria). Hany ka heverinareo fa manompo sampy mandrakariva ny Katolika @ izay lafiny izay.
Ary faharoa dia ohatry ny tsinontsiniavinareo ilay maha` co-createur na cooperateur divin` ny olombelona eo @ asam-pamonjena sy fahariana. Raha nomena andraikitra lehibe ianao ry Niryna hitory sy hijoro vavolombelona ety an-tany, dia tsy manao an`izay intsony ve rehefa any an-danitra. Fony mbola tsy dia lavorary aza ianao no nitory ka mainka rehefa tena lavorary eo akaikin`Andrimanitra. Sa rehefa any dia repos totale, mihanoka ilay fiadanana mandrakizay sisa no atao.
Tadidio fa matoa isika nohariana hitovy endrika @ Andriamanitra dia afaka miara-miasa Aminy koa.

Ahoana izany no ataonao raha hitori-teny ianao?Efa nanafatra mantsy izy fa mandehana ary torio ny filazan-tsara?
Dia hoy ianao izany hoe
Izy no fiainana sy famarinana Tompo,manana finoana Aminy.Saingy raha te ho hiresaka Aminy ianao dia manantona aloha an\'i mamany fa izy no reny malalany,dia any aminy no mangataka vavaka?
Sa ahoana no fomba fitorianao teny raha Jesosy no ataona centre d\'interet?

Tsy misy manda ny maha ivon`ny finoantsika an`i Kristy aloha eto. Ary azonao atao tsara ny mandray ny famonjena @ alalany mivantana. Fa aza kianina kosa ireo izay manaja ny Reniny sy mahazo fahasoavana manokana momba izany. Misy zavatra tsy azonao ao, ary tsy handany andro hanazava izany aho satria tsy handresy lahatra no diako eto. Fa iangaviako kosa aoka mba hifanaja.
42. niryna ( 30/07/2007 02:40)

Efa voazava teto ombieny ombieny ny resaka saple/raozery sns... io fa valin'ny fanontanian'i boraingy dia ampiako ombieny indray:

Ny Raozery dia fomba fivavaka nomen'i Jesoa antsika t@ alalan'i Masina Maria. Ny antony anaovana ny raozery dia hanampy antsika hahatsiaro ny tantaram-pamonjena, sy ny fitiavana misy amin' Andriamanitra sy isika ary fisaoraan azy amin'ny alalan'ny fandinihina ireo "Misitery"
Ireo misitery ireo dia nalaina t@ fotokevitry ny tantara ao amin'ny Evanjely.

Ika .aiza izany fanazavana izany fa tsy hitako ato amin'ny baiboly,mila manana raozery daholo izany vao afaka mivavaka sy ho vonjena?
Hoy ianao mantsy hoe manampy antsika amin'ny tantaram-pamonjena
43. niryna ( 30/07/2007 02:48)

Marihiko entoana koa fa tsy mivavaka @ Masina Maria
akory rehefa manao raozery fa mivavaka amin'Andriamanitra sy mandinika ny tenantsika miaraka amin'i Masina Maria.
Samihafa ny:
miankohoka sy mivavaka (worship) sy ny manaja (venerer, devotion)

Samy manana ny filazany sy ny fanovana ny teny angamba ny olona fa raha hoy ny olona hoe mitsangana ianao,dia io fa mijoro ary mitsangana,mipetraka izy dia io hitanao mipetraka io izy fa tsy mijoro,mandohalika dia toy izany,manantona miankohoka, dia miankohoka izany ilay olona.Hita manao amin'ny anarany Ray sy ny Zanaka ary ny Fanahy Masina amin'ilay sary ilay olona dia izay no nahatazanana azy koa ahoana rehefa mandohalika na miankohoka no tsy manao ilay fihetsika kanefa hita fa manao azy.
44. niryna ( 30/07/2007 02:54)
The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!

The rosary is a damnable heresy, nowhere taught in the Word of God. I am saddened that so many people have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the damnable teachings of the Roman Catholic religion. I say "damnable teachings" because they are NOT based upon the Bible, but rather upon traditions and superstitious fairytales (like Fatima). The following GREEN paragraph is from www.Catholicity.com, titled "The Fifteen Promises of the Rosary." I am going to refute these lies with the Bible, my responses will be in bold white type.

The Fifteen Promises of the Rosary

Our Lady made these promises to Christians who faithfully pray the Rosary:

1. To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.

It sounds great, but what is the "special protection" and what are the "great graces." Talk is cheap, you've got to tell us more than that. And what's with the "my Rosary" deal? If the rosary belongs to Mary, where does God fit into the picture? From all the time I have spent dissecting the Catholic religion, one thing is very clear to me...Roman Catholics are utterly consumed in mind, body, and spirit with the "blessed virgin Mary" while Jesus Christ is ignored. I triple dog dare you to watch any Catholic worship service and you'll see Mary exalted to the heavens, but what does the Bible say concerning this heathen practice? The Bible declares...

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" -Philippians 2:9,10

Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is Mary, Mary, Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name...

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some special grace.

There is absolutely nothing in the Bible teaching such foolishness. God never instructs us to recite anything; on the contrary, God condemns such practices...

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do..." -Matthew 6:7

Catholicism is as heathen as can be! I recently watched a bunch of nuns chanting the rosary on EWTN (the Eternal Word Television Network for Catholics). They just kept chanting...

Mary, Queen of Heaven...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of all saints...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of angels...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of the holy rosary...we pray to thee

And so on...it lasted for several minutes.

Ironically, I frequently get e-mails from Catholics adamantly denying that they pray to Mary. What? Then what do you call the above chants? The nuns were reciting over and over...Mary, Queen of ____...we pray to thee." They are indeed praying to Mary, wickedly so!

Folks, please do NOT be deceived by the devil, Roman Catholicism is straight out of the pits of hell. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to heaven, not the blessed virgin Mary. Furthermore, Mary did not remain a virgin (contrary to the perpetual virginity teachings of the Catholic religion). Please don't be deceived by the double-talk of Catholics. In one breath they admit that Mary is not the way to heaven, yet as you will read in promise # 5 below, they do teach that praying the rosary to Mary guarantees heaven. God does not play Word Games like Catholics do; God said what He meant, and we had better listen to Him or else. Romans 3:4 declares, "... let God be true, but every man a liar..."

3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy.

What a bunch of lies! Do you really believe that counting 59 beads and a cross on a rosary is going to accomplish anything other than wasting your time? Jesus never taught any such nonsense. The Bible never teaches us to count beads or pray a rosary. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught us how to pray...

"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

Jesus said, "After this manner therefore pray ye..." Jesus didn't tell us exactly what to pray, but He taught us in what "manner" to pray. I don't see anything about a hail Mary in there. God wants us to adore Him, to worship His good and perfect name. God wants us to seek the kingdom of God first (Matthew 6:33), and God's will in our life. God wants us to be repentant, humble, and forgiving of others. God wants us to pray to avoid temptation (to walk in the Spirit). God wants us to brag on Him and boast about His greatness and power. If you boil this prayer all down into simplest form, you basically have 2 things:

God is everything, and we desperately need God.

Roman Catholics foolishly and sinfully ADD Mary to the list. God will NOT accept any worship that includes Mary or anyone else.

Also, praying the rosary can't dispel heresy because it is heresy itself. The Bible teaches that heresy is exposed by shining the light of God's Word upon the darkness (Psalm 119:105). The Bible is a "lamp" unto our feet to light the path. God's Holy Spirit is our guide to "guide us into all truth" (John 16:13). If a doctrine doesn't fit within the parameters of the Bible, then it is heresy! If you don't like this, then it is only because you do NOT believe the Bible. Praying the rosary will do nothing but waste your time and upset God.

4. The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

I dare you to show me any of the above claims from the Bible. The Bible teaches in John 17:17, " Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." It is the Word of God that sanctifies us (sets us apart "from" the world and "to" God). Catholicism elevates the rosary above the Word of God. The rosary cannot sanctify you. How can you be sanctified by repeating a bunch of vain repetitions? The term "hail Mary" is NOT even mentioned once in the Bible! Not once! Think about it.

5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.

This is one of the most blasphemous statements I've read. The Catholic religion teaches that those who trust MARY through the ROSARY will not perish. That's a dirty lie of the devil. The Bible proclaims...

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16

You can pray a million rosaries and trust Our Lady of Fatima (Mary) with all your heart, but you WILL go straight to hell when you die and face the judgments of God. God sent His Son into the world to pay the price, the ransom, for our many sins. Jesus Christ has made salvation available to all men, all you need to do is to forsake your false religion, and place 100% of your faith in Christ alone, not the Great Whore of Catholicism. By the way, Mary (Jesus' mother) is not the great Whore, Mary of the Roman catholic church is the Great Whore. Roman Catholicism has created a MONSTER out of Mary that is all a big lie. False doctrines such as "the assumption of Mary, "the "Immaculate Conception of Mary," and Mary's "Perpetual Virginity" are fictitious lies of the devil nowhere found in the Bible.

6. Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune. He will not experience the anger of God nor will he perish by an unprovided death. The sinner will be converted; the just will persevere in grace and merit eternal life.

Wow! Talk about a flame-broiled whopper! This is extreme Catholic blasphemy against a Holy God. No sinner will ever be converted by reciting the rosary! The ONLY hope of salvation is through Jesus Christ ALONE...

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." -John 6:40

Io izany misy articles milaza ny fanazavana fa maninona no manohitra an'Atra ny fampiasana ny rosary.
45. niryna ( 30/07/2007 02:57)
The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!

The rosary is a damnable heresy, nowhere taught in the Word of God. I am saddened that so many people have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the damnable teachings of the Roman Catholic religion. I say "damnable teachings" because they are NOT based upon the Bible, but rather upon traditions and superstitious fairytales (like Fatima). The following GREEN paragraph is from www.Catholicity.com, titled "The Fifteen Promises of the Rosary." I am going to refute these lies with the Bible, my responses will be in bold white type.

Io misy fanazavana fa tsy avy ao anaty baiboly ny niavian'io rosary io
46. niryna ( 30/07/2007 03:04)

The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!

Catholics are utterly consumed in mind, body, and spirit with the "blessed virgin Mary" while Jesus Christ is ignored. I triple dog dare you to watch any Catholic worship service and you'll see Mary exalted to the heavens, but what does the Bible say concerning this heathen practice? The Bible declares...

Io koa misy manambara fa miankina amin'ny fahasoavana avy amin'i Mary ,ary lavina Jesosy.

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" -Philippians 2:9,10

Manaza ihany koa eto fa tsy misy anarana ambony noho Atra amin'izay anarana rehetra ety ambonin'ny tany.
Ary amin'i Jesosy irery ihany no miankohoka sy mandohalika ,na ety an-tany na any an-danitra araka ny teny ao amin'ny Phil 2:9-10

47. niryna ( 30/07/2007 04:09)

The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!
Io misy lohateny lehibe miteny fa manohitra an'Atra ny rosary

Blasphemy izany toy ny olona manopa Fanahy Masina
Jesosy kristy niteny an'ireo olona izay tsy nino Azy.
Vakio ny Mat 12:31,33Ary noho izany dia ahazo famelan-keloka ny olona sy ny fitenenan-dratsy rehetra samy hafa rehetra; fa tsy hahazo famelan-keloka ny olona amin'ny fitenenan-dratsy ny Fanahy Masina....fa na iza no miteny hanohitra ny Fanahy Masina((blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) ,dia tsy mba hahazo femelan-keloka ,na amin'izao fiaianana izao na amin'ny ho avy.

Ary raha tonga Izy dia hampiaiky izao tontolo izao ny fahotana sy ny fahamarianana ary ny fitsarana:ny fahotana satria tsy mino Ahy izy,ny fahamarinana satria mankany amin'ny Ray Aho,ka tsy mahita Ahy intsony hianareo,satria ny andrianan'izao tontolo izao dia efa voatsara Jaona 16:7-11

Koa maninona no atao hoe blasphemy ny rosary?

Satria ny olona sasany dia miankina amin'io raha mivavaka kanefa tsy ao anaty baiboly,tsy tian'Atra isika ny mivavaka na mino ny zavatra izay tsy natao hinoana ka na inona na inona raha tsy Jesosy irery ihany no hiankohana sy hivavahana dia manopa ny Fanahy Masina isika.

Ny mivavaka sy manatona Azy no tadiaviny.

Miezaka ny manampy ny namana aho fa raha mino moa ianareo dia arahaba soa vakio ny baiboly ,raha tsy nampianarina anareo moa izany dia naheno zava-baovao ianareo.Ny fahasoavan'Atra anie no hisokatra ny masom-panahintsika tsirairay avy.

Andrana:Raha tena mbola tsy nanatona an'i Jesosy mivantana ianao dia andramo ireto;
Raha tena misy tokoa ianao dia ampahafataro izany aho.
Mivavaha ary mifona ka mangataha Aminy hiditra ao am-ponao
Antsoy Izy ary mitenena Aminy fa mitady Azy ianao raha toa ka tena misy tokoa Izy.
Andramo:Maninona ny sasany afaka miresaka Aminy ary mahafantatra fa misy Fanahy Masina miaraka aminy ilay olona,maninona ianao no tsy manana izany Fahany Masina izany miaraka aminao?
Andramo fa tsy misy vola lany any am-paosinao,mivavaha mivantana Aminy.Tsy misy ilaina tsianjery na taratasy nomen'ny loham-piangonana ho vakiana na haverimberina.Ny fotsika torotoro no tadiaviny,ny vavantsika mitaraina no henoiny,ny vatantsika trotraka ny dia no omeny hery.:arrow:ny mivavaka dia miresaka amin'Atra mivantana ary mamarana izany amin'ny anaran'ny Zanany izay tete-mita mampisaraka antsika sy Atra..Tsy misy na iray aza milaza fa tsy mahay mivavaka,toy isika miresaka raha nomeny feo ianao,vava hiarahaba ny olona dia mahay miresaka aminy ianao,tsy afaka misokatra ny vavanao,afaka manao baiko moana ianao am-po na manoratra.Na inona na inona ataontsika ka hidera Azy irery dia mihaino sy mahita antsika Izy.
Ianao irery dia afaka miditra ao an-trano,manidy trano,mandohalika.Mangataha famelan-keloka,mamela heloka ny hafa,mifona amin'i Jesosy,aza asiana mpanelanelana fa Izy irery.Tompo o,mamela ahy,mamindra fo amiko.Omeo hery aho mba ahafantatra anao.Mino aho fa maty Ianao noho ny fahotako,ampio Aho Tompo mba hatoky Anao.Ianao no nilaza fa any Aminao irery ihany no misy ny lalana sy ny fahamarinana ary ny fiainana mandrakizay.Midira ato am-poko Tompo o.Manomboka izao dia omeko ho tantananao manontolo ny fiainako rehetra.Amena.
Izay ihany dia ho hitanao izany famonjena izany.Tonga zanank'Atra ianao.Omeo Azy amin'izay ny fiainanao rehetra,aza asiana mpanelanelana intsony .Sa milaza aminao aho fa raha manao vavaka tsotra mitovy amin'io ianao ka tena vokatry ny fonao dia ahita fihovana eo amin'ny fiainanao ianao amin'izao ora izao.
Inona izany ?Fanantenana(hope)

Satria na inona zavatra mitranga efa nanolotra ny fiainanao ho an'i Jesosy ianao dia aza mivilivily intsony ary resaho aminy daholo izay mitranga aminao,aza mitsahatra mivavaka,vakio ny baiboly fa ao no ahitanao ny fitaovana hanoheranao ny satana sy ny fahavalo rehetra manodidina mitady hamingana anao.
Misy olana antsoy Izy,misy fahoriana mivavaha Aminy,misy fifaliana,hasandrato ny Anarany.Hitady asa?mivavaha,misy olona manome fanafitohana anao?mivavaha eo noho eo,ary mamela azy,arakaraky ny hivavahanao ny olona no hanomezan'ny Tompo fahasoavana ho anao koa.
(the more you bless people,the more God gives you more blessings.)
48. niryna ( 30/07/2007 04:21)

Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is Mary, Mary, Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name...
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

Fanazavana ,mandritra ny fotoam-pivavahana hoy ny mpanoratra dia ny anaran'i Maria no henonao matetika.Maria virjiny mivavaha anay mpanota,sns...Ianareo mahalala izany kanefa ny baiboly hoy izy no miteny fa anarana Iray ihany dia Jesosy kristy izany,[/u]famonjena amin'ny hafa ;fa tsy misy famonjena amin'ny hafa ;fa tsy misy anarana hafa ambanin'ny lanitra nomena ny olona izay hahazoantsika famonjena.[/u] Asa 4:12
49. niryna ( 30/07/2007 04:23)


Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is Mary, Mary, Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name...
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

Fanazavana ,mandritra ny fotoam-pivavahana hoy ny mpanoratra dia ny anaran'i Maria no henonao matetika.Maria virjiny mivavaha anay mpanota,sns...Ianareo mahalala izany kanefa ny baiboly hoy izy no miteny fa anarana Iray ihany dia Jesosy kristy izany,famonjena amin'ny hafa ;fa tsy misy famonjena amin'ny hafa ;fa tsy misy anarana hafa ambanin'ny lanitra nomena ny olona izay hahazoantsika famonjena. Asa 4:12

50. niryna ( 30/07/2007 04:56)

The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!
2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some special grace.

There is absolutely nothing in the Bible teaching such foolishness. God never instructs us to recite anything; on the contrary, God condemns such practices...

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do..." -Matthew 6:7

Manazava koa izy fa ireo izay mampiasa ny rosary ka mamerimberina ny fivavahana dia mahazo fahasoavana manokanaa,tsy nampianatra izany hoy izy ny baiboly fa mifanohitra aza dia ny hoe aza manao vavaka miverimberina.
Fa ianao kosa raha mivavaka dia midira ao amin'ny efi-tranonao ,ka rehef avoarindrinao ny varavaranao ,dia mivavaha amin'ny Rainao ,Izay ao amin'ny mangingina,ary ny Rainao Izay mahita ao amin'ny mangingina no hamaly anao. Mat 6:7

Ary raha mivavaka hianareo,dia aza mba manao teny mrao foana tahaka ny jentilisa ;fa ataony ho any hamaroan'ny teniny no hihainoana azy

Dia hisy hiteny indray hoe maninona no manao ny vavaka nampianarin'ny Tompo?

Satria hoy Izy hoe raha hivavaka ianareo raha nangataka Azy ny hampianatra ny hivavaka ny mpianany:Koa amin'izany mivavaha toy izao hianareo (you should pray like this)
1-Rainay Izay any an-danitra:arrow:Ray any an-danitra ,Atra tia antsika,mitahy antsika,izay hivavahantsika avy amin'ny Zanany Jesosy kristy.
Hohamasinina anie ny anaranao Matio 6:9
Ny Anarany Irery,dia mbola miampy ihany koa ny hoe[i]Miaraha mankalaza an'i Jehovah amiko;Ary aoka hiara-manandratra ny anarany isika[/u] Sal 34:3

Catholicism is as heathen as can be! I recently watched a bunch of nuns chanting the rosary on EWTN (the Eternal Word Television Network for Catholics). They just kept chanting...

Mary, Queen of Heaven...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of all saints...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of angels...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of the holy rosary...we pray to thee

And so on...it lasted for several minutes.

Ironically, I frequently get e-mails from Catholics adamantly denying that they pray to Mary. What? Then what do you call the above chants? The nuns were reciting over and over...Mary, Queen of ____...we pray to thee." They are indeed praying to Mary, wickedly so!

Io izany fa mbola milaza izy satria manda foana hono fa tsy hoe mivavaka an'i Mary kanefa ny anarany foana no miverimberina rehefa mivavaka:roll:

Folks, please do NOT be deceived by the devil, Roman Catholicism is straight out of the pits of hell. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to heaven, not the blessed virgin Mary.

Io izy izany fa mbola manazava ary mamporisika ny olona tsy ho voarebirebin'ny devoly,[u]Jesosy irery ihany hoy izy no lalana mankany an-danitra[/]fa tsy ny fahasoavana nomen'i Mary.
Furthermore, Mary did not remain a virgin (contrary to the perpetual virginity teachings of the Catholic religion). Please don't be deceived by the double-talk of Catholics.[quote]
Io ry Ika no noteneniko anao fa tsy nijanona ho virijiny intsony Mary fa nanambady an'i Josefa izy
[quote] In one breath they admit that Mary is not the way to heaven, yet as you will read in promise # 5 below, they do teach that praying the rosary to Mary guarantees heaven.

Mary koa hoy izy tsy lalana mankany an-danitra kanefa ny fanazavana eo amin'ny # 5 dia mampianatra fa mivavaka amin'i Mary dia mahazo antoka fa mankany an-danitra:roll:
51. niryna ( 30/07/2007 04:58)
Mbola hitohy ny fanazavako io teny anglisy manazava ny rosary io .
Misaotra antsika namaky,ary miala tsiny fa lava .:*
52. niryna ( 30/07/2007 05:04)

Tena marina ve izany r'ingahy? (tsy ataoko hoe ise ary). Fanoharana hatrany moa no natao teto ary anisan'izany ny fitaratra sy ny vera, ary eto indray dia mametraka Ikaretsaka ny Conception Renin'Andriamanitra. Tsy mety hovalalanina ihany ve ny mpandinika raha toa ka ny Hazavan'Andriamanitra izay tiany ho taratra ao anatin'ny olombelona aza tsy takany koa mbola ampiana trotraka indray ny concept Raozery ilay izy?

Izaho manokana aloha dia mahita hoe tsy tsotra mihitsy io lalan'ny raozery io e! Tena complique be lilay izy amiko. Marina e! izaho manko badrahodra izay ihany!

ka eo foana no misy ny olana satria ny didy folo milaza fa tsy mahazo manangana na inona na inona atao solon'Atra hivavahana,io anefa misy article miteny fa mivavaka koa ry zareo ary raha tena manankina izany fivavahana izany tokoa dia mahazo fahasoavana hafa
53. niryna ( 30/07/2007 05:30)

boraingy> marina fa ampoka ary tena mazava ny resaka momban'i Jesoa...
fa izany akory tsy midika fa tsy azo hajaina koa ny Reniny...io Reniny io mihitsy aza no niseho vatana

Fa maninona io fanajana azy io foana no asiana resaka e,efa hoe manaja azy daholo izao tontolo izao noho renin'i Jesosy fa tsy misy na iray aza miteny ao anaty baiboly hoe mivavaha aminy na averimbereno foana ny anarany rehefa hivavaka.Ianareo anie manda ny tenin'Atra mafy mihitsy e,tsy ny olona milaza ny zava-misy sy lany fotoana mba ahazahoanareo famonjena any amin'ny Tompo mihitsy no ho maty antoka fa Izay rehetra tsy mety mandray Azy.Sady tsy anjarantsika fotsiny no mamafy ny voa fa Atra no mikolokolo azy,raha velona moa ny voa dia arahaba soa ,maty moa fa tsy te-hihaino dia mitohy eny ihany ny famahazana satria misy mamoy avo zato eny ny iray ka iny indray no mamafy ny hafa .

(fisehoana tany Lourdes sy ny hafa mbola tsy voamarina) tamin'ny olombelona hoe hiaraka mivavaka aminareo aho indrindra eo amin'ny fotoana sarotra iainanareo (mivavaha ho anay mpanota ankehitriny ary amin'ny andro ahafatesanay)..

Afaka manao fahagagana daholo ny olona rehetra ,ny faniriana fotsiny satria tsy misy faotin'iza na iza anie io e,ny fampianarana no nahatonga ny sasany hivoana ary dia tsy mety manaiky fa mivavaka mamerimberina ny anarany.
Izao fotsiny ary andramo ,maninona na inona no mahazo anao raha ohatra ianao tsy miantso ny anaran'i Mary raha mivavaka?
Andramo:arrow:Jesosy kristy antsoina,na inona mitranga amin'ny fiainana,na inona manjo anao,na inona fahatezerana tsy mety miala aminao ohatra ny ahy ireo a,andramo antsoina Jesosy ary tena omeo Azy tanteraka amin'izay ny fiainanao ho tantanany dia ho hitanao izany.Raha ohatra ka mbola manohitra fa hoe tsy maintsy miantso na mivavaka na manoniny an'i Mary ianao dia misy olona ambony noho Izy izany.Dia io no tsy tian'ATra ataontsika.Jesosy antsoina voalohany.Toy isika misaotra ny olona nanao soa antsika ireny dia misaora an'i Mary koa fa nanaiky ametrahan'Atra an'i Jesosy izy raha toa ka mampalahelo anao hoe tsy omena hajany izy.Taddidio anefa tsy afaka ny hivavaka ny maty intsony isika ,tsy afaka ny hivavaka any amin'ny mamantsika na dadatsika any am-pasana koa isika dia toy izany ihany koa ny mivavaka aminy.
Izay e,mahereza ary mamaky baiboly fa ho hitanao ao daholo ireo toko sy andininy ireo ,ao ihany no ahitana ny fahamarinana.Aza miandry sy mihaino izay mitory sy mampianatra fotsiny fa avadiho ny baiboly araho daholo izay toko misy an'iny ary mangataha sy mivavaha amin'Atra mba omeny ny Fanahy Masina ianao hanazava izay tian'ATra ho fantariny anao ao anaty ny Teniny.
Ho antsika rehetra:
Courage e ,tsy mora ary tsy misy mifanome tsiny eo fa samy te-ho tonga any amin'izany lanitra izany daholo isika ,samy mitady izany famonjena izany daholo isika,samy maniry ny havana aman-tsakaiza mba ho voavonjy daholo isika rehetra.
Manontania tena hoe fa nahoana tokoa moa no teneniny hoe :Aza manana atra hafa hafa tsy izao irery ihany,raha misy zavatra izany ka iny no ataoko manelanelana ahy aminy moa ve ity atra hafa,moa ve ity miteny,moa ve ity mahatonga ahy any an-danitra,moa ve ity mamaly vavaka?.Mety ho eny ny valiny satria satana koa dia mba mitady clients ihany koa,ny mahasamy hafa aza fotsiny dia hoe hatramin'izay nanatonako ny Tompo izay ve mba nahita fihovana teo amin'ny fiainako aho,mba falifaly lava ve na inona manjo ahy na inona satria tsy matahotra intsony aho fa manana Azy hitarainako.
Raha misy olona na zavatra na inona na inona ataontsika atra( dia mivavaka amin-javatra hafa izany isika fa tsy Aminy.)
Ny vola,ny harena,ny zavatra,ny fankahalana tsy mety miala,na inona na inona ny fanandevozana izay mbola mangeja antsika ka mametraka io zavatra io lehibe noho Atra dia ireo no karazany atra hivavahantsika.
Maro toy ny omby,ny elefanta,ny sary vongana sns,ny olombelona sns.
54. niryna ( 30/07/2007 05:31)
(mivavaha ho anay mpanota ankehitriny ary amin'ny andro ahafatesanay
Iza no hivavaka ho antsika eto?
55. niryna ( 30/07/2007 05:51)
Manaja azy isika raha amiko saingy tena tsy mbola nahita ao anaty baiboly kosa aho aloha hoe lasa any an-danitra izy na nipetraka niaraka ny Zanany e.

Hoy i Jesoa t@ ilay jiolahy nivalo : ` anio dia anio ihany ianao dia hiraka amiko any @ fiainana`.
Jiolahy nivalo aza tsaron`ny Jesoa ka ilay reniny ve dia tsy mba ho tsaroany kely akory e.
Ny olana amintsika indray dia tsy mbola tena mino an`i Kristy ho tena lasa olombelona ka esorina aminy mihitsy izay dimension humaine izay.

Tadidio fa nanana affection t@ iny reniny malalany iny izy,
piste a marina izany ,toy isika rehetra manana fitiavana ny ray sy ny renintsika.

Tsy Andriamnitra i Maria fa mpanompovaviny nahafatoky, ary raha tsy nisy azy dia tsy tonga tety an-tany I jesoa izay inoantsika io.

Miala tsiny aho raha noeritreretinao aviavy,tsy nieritreritra izany mihitsy aho fa nanome ohatra fotsiny,na fanoharana misy amin'ny fiainana.
Dia milaza izany ianao fa raha tsy nanaiky izy dia tsy ahita olona mitovy azy Atra? Rehefa izy no voafidy dia tsy asiana olana.Amin'ny fiainantsika no teneniko io,misy olona manao teny io hoe raha tsy nisy azy dia tsy ho toy izao,raha tsy nisy ahy dia tsy tonga toy izao io olona io,izany no nahatonga ahy niteny hoe nisy olona naditra ny zanany dia toa nanenina izy noho ny ditran'ny zanany ary nanao teny koa izy hoe raha nampoiziko ho toy izao ny ditranao raha vao mbola kely ianaoa dia nahohoko.
Fanazavana kely fotsiny io.Ohatran'ny hoe nisy neninana izany raha tsy teo izy.Izay voasoratra dia voasoratra.Ka tsy tokony hoe tokony ho toy izao noa tsy nisy an'izao,Atra no nanao ilay izy tsinona fa tsy isika

Tsy terena anefa ianao na hanaja na tsy hanaja azy.

Marina tokoa izany,avelao izay fantatry ny olona fa heveriny ho ahitany famonjena ,avelao izay no arahiny,tsy tery io fa Atra efa nanome hery ny rehetra hitory ny filazantsara,izay mino anareo dia avelao hino izay tsy mino dia ahoana moa hoy Izy mikasika ilay kapa?Ahitsano eo amin'ny varavarana ny vovokin'ny kapanareo :roll::roll:ampio aho piste fa tsy tadidiko a:*

Ny mahasarotra an`ity sujet momba an`i MAria ity koa dia datria tsy manana notion-na devotion ny kritianina tsy katolika sasany.

Ny Baiboly irery no mahavaly izany,mamaky,mandalina,mangataka amin'ATra ny omeny antsika ny fanazavana ao anatiny ao.Misy mantsy mijery fa tsy mahita,mamaky fa tsy mahafantatra ary misy koa mahita fa mody tsy mahafantra .Anjaran'ny tsirairay io,izay ilay safidy.

56. ari.malala ( 30/07/2007 07:28)
tsy terena hino ny momba ny raozery anie niryna e! tsy ilaina akory ny mitondra io fanazavana lava be mahavalalanina maso io, fa efa fantatra fa tsy mino ianao dia aza mino! aza manao! tsotra anie zany e! nefa teneniko anao fa misy namako izay, protestanta hiringiriny izany vehivavy izany, fa izy indray no nampirisika ahy sy niteny tamko hoe aza adino mintsy ny manao raozery! ilaina dia ilaina ny manaja ny renin'Andriamanitra hoy io namako io.

Hoy ianao hoe raha tsy nanaiky ve i Maria dia tsy nahita vehivvy mitovy aminy Andriamanitra, eny nahita tokoa Andriamanitra dia mitovy iany ny fandehan'ny tantara! hajaina toy izao fanajana an'i Masina Maria izao izay vehivavy nanaiky teo... fa tsy izay moa no nitranga fa i Masina Maria no nanaiky ampanetren-tena hoe "inty aho ankizivavin'ny Tompo, aoka ho tanteraka amiko araka ny Teninao" dia izy no hajaina.

Iza moa no milaza amiao ry niryna fa atao 2nd class i Jesoa? Raiso @ cas iainantsika isanandro fts e! refa hangataka zavatra, fantatra fa ny dada dia sarotiny @tsika zanaka, d aiza no miteny voalohany, ts any@ neny v? d toy izany koa, ekena fa i Jesoa no lalana sy fahamarinana ary fiainana ary tsy misy mankany @ Ray afats @ alalany, fa nanahaona t@ ilya fampakarambady tao Kana? moa ts tany @ renin'i JEsoa v no niteny ny tompon'ny fanasana? de nanahoana ny tohiny? refa niteny i Maria t@ zanany hoe tsy mamana divay intsony ry zareo de novain'i Jesoa ho divay ny rano tao anaty siny vato. Tsy ilaina averina lava b ngamba ilay tantara fa haintao tsara, fa entiko ilazana aminao fa mora tokoa ny mahazo zavatra refa mangataka @ renin'iAndriamanitra. Ekena fa tsy i MAria no nanao ny miracle, fa raha tsy izy (tsy tianao moa io teny io nef aizay le cas) raha tsy nisy ny intervention any tsy nisy ny fanovana ny rano ho divay! Invités toy ny invités rehetra anie izy mianaka tao @ io mariazy io e! fa nahoana moa no tany @ Maria no niteny ny tompon'ny fanasana? satria fantany hoe iza ny zanak'io vhv io!

manontany ianao hoe
,mila manana raozery daholo izany vao afaka mivavaka sy ho vonjena?
niteny anizany v ika? tsia kosa angamba hoy aho! aza interpretena araka izay tinao sy fhaazoanao azy ny tenin'olona fa tsy mety!

Dia mbola misy koa ao hoe
(mivavaha ho anay mpanota ankehitriny ary amin'ny andro ahafatesanay
Iza no hivavaka ho antsika eto?
i Masina MAria no antsoina hivavaka hoantsika eto. Ianao ve tsy mbola niteny t@ olona mints hoe mivavaha hoahy? na hoe mba ento am-bavaka? na hoe hivavaka hoanao aho, na hoentiko ambavaka ianao? ka raha mbola samy olombelona mpanota aza angatahinao hivavaka hoanao sy mifampivavaka, mifampitondra am-bavaka, mainka ve fa ny Renin'Andriamaintra, nahoana moa no tsy iangaviana izy hivavaka hoantsika, hitondra ny olantsika sy izay mahazo antsika eo antanan'ny Zanany malalany?
57. tywa68 ( 30/07/2007 08:35)
ari.malala : =D=D:-*
58. boraingy ( 30/07/2007 09:57)
Amiko ho an'ny Gasy tsy ilaina ny raozery. Fivavahana noforonin'ny vazaha io. Mafimafy ihany ny teny fa hoy moa ikaretsaka hoe raha sanatria manitsaka maloto ve ny rahalahinao dia tsy teneninao kosa?

Nahaforona hira gasy marobe ny Katolika. Ireto hira ireto no tena miloatra ao am-po:
1-Hialao ny taninao, avia manaraka Ahy ianao

2-Handeha an-kafaliana hanatona an'Andriamanitra aho

3-Feno hafaliana ny foko

4-Afaka ny gadrako

5-Kristy Velona, Kristy Zanaka no arahintsika

Averimbereno ireo hira ireo dia mahavita Chelem araka ny resak'Ikaretsaka.

Misy zava-miafina ao anatin'ireo hira ireo ary ny Gasy ihany no tokony hahazo azy raha tena matoky ny Zanaka izy ary mampandroso Azy ankitsirano.

Indice kely:
1- Nisy varatra nilatsaka indray taona nilaza soratra hoe "Mamaho Fiangona"
2-nisy loza nihatra tato ho ato ho an'ny Katolika. Noho ny inona?

Hafatra tsoahina ho an'ny Gasy: Alohan'ny hahafatesan'ny marobe aza rebireben'ny vazaha sao very tsy mahita ny lalan-kaleha. Efa andro farany izao ary efa eo am-pinjinjana ny voankazo masaka ny Anjelin'Andriamanitra. Izay mana-tsofina aoka hiaino izay lazain'ny Fanahy.

Tsy an'i boraingy io ary aza manatona an'i boraingy nareo hanazava ireo zava-miafina ireo fa ampitapitao miafina ho an'izay mana-tsofina ireo Hafatra goavana ireo.

Fanampiny: Vakio hatramin'ny farany ny Bokin'ny Apokalypsy. Aza miherikerika etsy sy eroa fa Jesoa no hevero fa miresaka aminao. Aza mihaino an'izatsy sy izaroa fa ianao sy ny Tompo no miresaka. Efa feno ny hafatry ny Tompo ho an'ny Gasy.
Porofo: Ireo Maritiora dia efa nahazo Feno matoa sahy maty.

Hotahian'Andriamanitra daholo dia aoka samy hiaro ny satro-boninahiny. Amen!
59. mbaliana ( 30/07/2007 10:04)
ari.malala> mitovy hevitra isika roa :-*
60. mbaliana ( 30/07/2007 10:04)
ari.malala> mitovy hevitra isika roa :-*
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