
101. rhaj0 ( 16/12/2015 13:29)
Fa tsy i Jesosy kosany ve no "fanatitra" (natao sorona) nalatsa-drà farany eeee ?..

Nefa indray... ireo Masina matimaty foana taty aoriana, toa an'i Tekakwita izay nampijali-tena fa te-ho toa an'i Jesosy... ireny kosa ve tsy azo lazaina koa hoe, nanao ny tenany ho "fanatitra" eee ???

(f'angaha ho'a tsy manaonao foana sy miteniteny foana rahefa minomino foana lava ao io eeee..)
102. tealala ( 16/12/2015 13:36)



Izaho tsy nohenoinao intsony t@ ilay resaka hafa iny fa ny nahatonga an'i jesosy natao andriamanitra anie dia ilay tsy voafaritra'areo ilay tena Izy, ilay Andriamanitra omaly anio ary rahampitso dia nataonareo ho olona amin'izay voavaha tsara ny lalàn'ny sabata sns... any ka lasa mandika vilana ianareo amin'ny lalàna rehetra izay hatao... Ny fampianaranareo ary kilemaina be mihitsy rehefa alefanao eto fa tsy tsapanao izany.

Fa maninona tsara moa ianao no tsy manao fanatitra alatsa-drà intsony ry namana?

Mba hainao hoe aiza no atao izany fanatitra alatsa-drà izany?
103. endriny ( 16/12/2015 13:42)

Izany ve ry
tsy ho hain'i

a. Zavatra vakiany isan'aondro mihintsy ao ny hoe: "Natao sorona (nalatsa-dra) ny zanaka lahitokan'Atra ho fanalana ny ota sy ho fanavotana ny olona"...

Kanefa ho'a mbola atao batisa sy batemy ihany ny olona ho fanalana ny fahotana tamin'ny fototra hono... Dia ny mpivavaka ihany no manohitra ny lazain'ny mpivavaka ao amin'ny baiboly
104. tealala ( 16/12/2015 13:48)


Izany ve ry
tsy ho hain'i

a. Zavatra vakiany isan'aondro mihintsy ao ny hoe: "Natao sorona (nalatsa-dra) ny zanaka lahitokan'Atra ho fanalana ny ota sy ho fanavotana ny olona"...

Kanefa ho'a mbola atao batisa sy batemy ihany ny olona ho fanalana ny fahotana tamin'ny fototra hono... Dia ny mpivavaka ihany no manohitra ny lazain'ny mpivavaka ao amin'ny baiboly

hihihi !!! vakiny ilay izy dia aveo averin'i pasitera aminy izay izy vao miteny oe "ieny tokotrany"
105. SP-TCA_3 ( 16/12/2015 14:49)



Dia i Herinirina izany zao manao an'i Pierra @ krisimasy hahahah?

Iza moa no nilaza taminao fa manao krismasy isika?
1 Jesosy ange tsy nampianatra hoe aoka ho tsarovana ny andro nahaterahako. Raha nandidy izy dia tokony ho hita taratra teo amin'ny fiainan'ny mpianany izany....
2 ilay daty tena marina tsy fantatra....
« Andriamanitra dia Fanahy; ary izay mivavaka aminy tsy maintsy mivavaka amin'ny ..... ny fahamarinana. » (Jaona 4:24)

Mbola betsaka ny azo lazaina fa ireo aloha no hita mibaribary fa antony tokony tsy hitandremana an'izany andro izany....

F'angah moa zany dia hoe fahotana le mankalaza Noely, tsitako mitsy zao ze olana @zany f'nareo ku!
106. SP-TCA_3 ( 16/12/2015 15:00)


dia miaiky an'ity rhaj0 ity za ka hahahah ...

hih, Io ndray mu v ahagaga e, mba zanak'iza loatra aza izy io!!! avy any @planeta hafa avy any ngamb io k!!
107. rhaj0 ( 16/12/2015 16:33)
mifohaza @ izay rizareo a... mba ataovy resolution @ taona vaovao io.. hoe, tena mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana.. efa lehibe iana(re)o izao, ary ny interinety hanampy anareo hampitombo fahalalana.

Averiko foana.. hafa ho'a ny taloha, ka hoe nihidy tao amina vohitrakely tao iana(re)o, dia izay lazain'i Belazao, Mopera/Pasitera/Gourou, dia inoana ao daholo tokoany. Ampanantenainy tsy misy sy voa tsy hary ao.. ampihorohorony @ izao antsanga tsy aman'orana rehetra izao... dia ao tokoany.. dia mamerimberina eo tsy am-piheverana eo koa..

Mampivanitika ilay izy, fanefa, mampalahelo mampahonena ihany... hoe, dia tena "wasted" ilay fi(s)ainan'ity olona...

108. tealala ( 16/12/2015 16:36)


mifohaza @ izay rizareo a... mba ataovy resolution @ taona vaovao io.. hoe, tena mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana.. efa lehibe iana(re)o izao, ary ny interinety hanampy anareo hampitombo fahalalana.

Averiko foana.. hafa ho'a ny taloha, ka hoe nihidy tao amina vohitrakely tao iana(re)o, dia izay lazain'i Belazao, Mopera/Pasitera/Gourou, dia inoana ao daholo tokoany. Ampanantenainy tsy misy sy voa tsy hary ao.. ampihorohorony @ izao antsanga tsy aman'orana rehetra izao... dia ao tokoany.. dia mamerimberina eo tsy am-piheverana eo koa..

Mampivanitika ilay izy, fanefa, mampalahelo mampahonena ihany... hoe, dia tena "wasted" ilay fi(s)ainan'ity olona...

Tena zay aho vao tonga saina fa kay aminao ilay foto-pisainana "matérialisme" dia amin'dry zareo mpanaraka an dry mopera sy ry pastera sy ry gourou ny "spiritualité" :D
109. rhaj0 ( 16/12/2015 17:21)
mifohaza @ izay rizareo a... mba ataovy resolution @ taona vaovao io.. hoe, tena mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana.. efa lehibe iana(re)o izao, ary ny interinety hanampy anareo hampitombo fahalalana.

Averiko foana.. hafa ho'a ny taloha, ka hoe nihidy tao amina vohitrakely tao iana(re)o, dia izay lazain'i Belazao, Mopera/Pasitera/Gourou, dia inoana ao daholo tokoany. Ampanantenainy tsy misy sy voa tsy hary ao.. ampihorohorony @ izao antsanga tsy aman'orana rehetra izao... dia ao tokoany.. dia mamerimberina eo tsy am-piheverana eo koa..

Mampivanitika ilay izy, fanefa, mampalahelo mampahonena ihany... hoe, dia tena "wasted" ilay fi(s)ainan'ity olona...
Tena zay aho vao tonga saina fa kay aminao ilay foto-pisainana "matérialisme" dia amin'dry zareo mpanaraka an dry mopera sy ry pastera sy ry gourou ny "spiritualité" :D

Ilay hoe "spitiruality" aloha aleo ifanarahana ny famaritana azy..
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all

Izay raha ny fahazoako azy globaloba, dia rahefa tsy takatry ny hoza-doha ilay "something bigger than ourselves", dia ... lasa minomino foana io, dia lazaina fa sipiritoalitia...

Ao izany ny contes et legendes fahagola, sy ny faha-l'an 0 (baiboly sy jesosy).. Fa ankehitrio koa, dia maro no efa tonga saina @ ireo contes et legendes ireo, fa kosa, lasa mamorona contes et legendes modernes... sipiritoalitia.

Raha izay moa no maha-diavolana ny saina ao, dia reveo ao izany, fa rahefa mikitikitika ny fahalalahan'ny hafa (liberte), rehefa mitady haneritery ny fahalalana (savoir), dia tena mila hogaina sy ivanitihana rahefa io miteniteny foana sy manaonao foana ao io, satria minomino foana io ho'a...

110. tealala ( 16/12/2015 17:31)


mifohaza @ izay rizareo a... mba ataovy resolution @ taona vaovao io.. hoe, tena mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana.. efa lehibe iana(re)o izao, ary ny interinety hanampy anareo hampitombo fahalalana.

Averiko foana.. hafa ho'a ny taloha, ka hoe nihidy tao amina vohitrakely tao iana(re)o, dia izay lazain'i Belazao, Mopera/Pasitera/Gourou, dia inoana ao daholo tokoany. Ampanantenainy tsy misy sy voa tsy hary ao.. ampihorohorony @ izao antsanga tsy aman'orana rehetra izao... dia ao tokoany.. dia mamerimberina eo tsy am-piheverana eo koa..

Mampivanitika ilay izy, fanefa, mampalahelo mampahonena ihany... hoe, dia tena "wasted" ilay fi(s)ainan'ity olona...
Tena zay aho vao tonga saina fa kay aminao ilay foto-pisainana "matérialisme" dia amin'dry zareo mpanaraka an dry mopera sy ry pastera sy ry gourou ny "spiritualité" :D

Ilay hoe "spitiruality" aloha aleo ifanarahana ny famaritana azy..
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all

Izay raha ny fahazoako azy globaloba, dia rahefa tsy takatry ny hoza-doha ilay "something bigger than ourselves", dia ... lasa minomino foana io, dia lazaina fa sipiritoalitia...

Ao izany ny contes et legendes fahagola, sy ny faha-l'an 0 (baiboly sy jesosy).. Fa ankehitrio koa, dia maro no efa tonga saina @ ireo contes et legendes ireo, fa kosa, lasa mamorona contes et legendes modernes... sipiritoalitia.

Raha izay moa no maha-diavolana ny saina ao, dia reveo ao izany, fa rahefa mikitikitika ny fahalalahan'ny hafa (liberte), rehefa mitady haneritery ny fahalalana (savoir), dia tena mila hogaina sy ivanitihana rahefa io miteniteny foana sy manaonao foana ao io, satria minomino foana io ho'a...

Tsy haiko aloha izay fahamarinan'izay filazanao azy fa efa atrany amin'ny voalohany no nisy ireo fisainana ireo, ary ireo olona nanana ireo fisainana ireo dia efa tsy nifanaraka hatramin'ny voalohany tahak'ianao, Strong3, RBNIR sy ireo hafa, ny iray tonga dia ara-materialy tsotra fotsiny izao (ny zavatra hita maso ihany, ny asa etc), ny iray kosa dia spiritoaly tsotra fotsiny izao (ny eto an-tany fandalovana, afoina daholo ny fananana etc ...)
Vao manomboka ny jenezy dia efa voalaza ny fisianareo.
111. tealala ( 16/12/2015 17:34)
Mr rhaj0,
Amin'ny lafiny iray aloha azoko ihany no mahatonga anao tsy mino e, io boky tonta mahavoan'sery lazainao io anie tsy ho an'ny olona rehetra e.
112. endriny ( 17/12/2015 05:07)
Ohatran'ilay hoe tsy ny mpianatra rehetra dia lasa serie A ihany izany
113. SP-TCA_3 ( 17/12/2015 05:45)


mifohaza @ izay rizareo a... mba ataovy resolution @ taona vaovao io.. hoe, tena mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana.. efa lehibe iana(re)o izao, ary ny interinety hanampy anareo hampitombo fahalalana.

Averiko foana.. hafa ho'a ny taloha, ka hoe nihidy tao amina vohitrakely tao iana(re)o, dia izay lazain'i Belazao, Mopera/Pasitera/Gourou, dia inoana ao daholo tokoany. Ampanantenainy tsy misy sy voa tsy hary ao.. ampihorohorony @ izao antsanga tsy aman'orana rehetra izao... dia ao tokoany.. dia mamerimberina eo tsy am-piheverana eo koa..

Mampivanitika ilay izy, fanefa, mampalahelo mampahonena ihany... hoe, dia tena "wasted" ilay fi(s)ainan'ity olona...

hih, Tsy maninona raha zay no ilazanao azy, na mampivanitika na mampaninona dia tsy hoazonao @zany za(y), zao ry namana a, efa noteneniko hatrany fa ny nahatonga ahy ho tena nanompo an'Atra oa tsy zany resaka atsanga tsy aman'orana etsy sy eroa zany fa (...) tadidinao ngamba ny teniko tany @ "NY HEVITRAO"

Tena misy Atra, ary vavolombelon'izany ny tenako, raha izaho dia hanompo azy ah jusqu'à l'age tardif!

Hoy ianao hoe "mba ampiasaina @ izay ilay saina fa tsy ampiesonan'ny fivavahana ao foana"
Nareo sy Karl Marks zany no mitovy fijery! Dia nefa lazaiko anao ry namana fa mbola hihaona amin'io Atra vazivazianao io ianao rahatrizay!

Mbola tia anao Kristy!
114. endriny ( 17/12/2015 06:46)
Injay ilay feo"..
115. Strong3 ( 17/12/2015 07:40)
ny finoana hoa tsy foronina fa fahamarinana arahina
hafa ny siansa ...

ny any sasany izao eto miditra amin'io kaonsepta io izy de hoe 12 foana no nitondra ny baolina teo amin'ny baiboly hatramin'izany dia mila 12 koa hono no mpitarika amin'izao fotoana izao, ka herinirina no voalohany nosorana ny amin'izany ... hahahah :-)
116. SP-TCA_3 ( 17/12/2015 08:19)


Injay ilay feo"..

Feo in?
117. Strong3 ( 17/12/2015 09:29)
fa andeha mba hiverina amin'ny lohahevitra nentin'ny rhaj0 nanarabiana ny creationnisme ary raha tsy hotonga indray ny pub ... hihihi

1/ Evolution means change (or change in gene/allele frequency) so evolution is a fact. This is an example of the equivocation fallacy or bait-and-switch. The evolution of microbes to man—what is really in dispute—means that many thousands of new genes have to be added—about 3,000 million DNA ‘letters’; it is not just a matter of changing the frequency of existing genes. Richard Dawkins commits this fallacy; see: Dawkins playing bait and switch with guppy selection.

2/ Natural selection = evolution, so evolution is true. ‘Here is an example of natural selection … proof of evolution!’ However, natural selection cannot create any new genes to make evolution progress (see #1). Natural selection can only sort existing genetic information, so demonstrations of it are not demonstrations of evolution (see The 3 Rs of Evolution).
John Endler said, ‘Natural selection must not be equated with evolution …’

3/ Evolution needs to explain the arrival of the fittest, not just the survival of the fittest. Evolutionary biologist John Endler said, “Natural selection must not be equated with evolution, though the two are intimately related,” and “natural selection does not explain the origin of new variants, only the process of changes in their frequency.” (See: Defining terms.) Creationist biologists have recognized the role of natural selection in culling the ‘unfit’ since before the time of Darwin, so how can natural selection be the same thing as evolution? Are creationists evolutionists?! See also Natural selection Q&A.
Mutations are actually a huge problem for microbes-to-man evolution, due to the relentless genetic decay that mutations cause.

4/ Mutations that cause (e.g.) antibiotic resistance or insecticide resistance ‘prove evolution’. For these to be evidence of evolution, the mechanism for such resistance needs to be demonstrated at a molecular biological level to be due to a new enzyme or metabolic pathway, not just adjustment of an existing one. However, many mechanisms of resistance are more akin to a scorched-earth policy that loses information. For example, by destroying the ability of an uptake channel protein to transport the antibiotic into the cell, or destroying the control system for the production of an enzyme that happens to break down the antibiotic such that much more of the enzyme is produced, thus conferring resistance. The concept of ‘protein families’ shows that there are many proteins that are so different to other proteins that they could not have derived from another protein (family) by random changes to existing genes (aka mutations). Humans have thousands of protein families that are absent in microbes and mutations to existing genes in microbes do not explain their origin. Mutations are actually a huge problem for microbes-to-man evolution, due to the relentless genetic decay that mutations cause: The evolution train’s a-comin (sorry a’goin’—in the wrong direction), Mutations: evolution’s engine becomes evolution’s end! (more technical) and Can mutations create new information?.

5/ Adaptation = evolution; e.g. peppered moths or Darwin’s finches. Once again, there is no new genetic information involved. See: Adaptation and Darwin’s finches. Even so-called ‘gain-of-function’ mutations are not what they seem and give no support to evolution: Gain-of-function mutations: at a loss to explain molecules-to-man evolution. (ao moa izany no nakana ity resaka ity ... mba hilazana amin'ny rhaj0 sy ny tsimisiAtra fa ny fijerin'i Strong3 de mba misy manana koa, fa tsy izy irery no mino ny famoronana)
118. Strong3 ( 17/12/2015 10:39)
6/ Speciation = evolution. This is often tied to the claim that creationists believe in ‘fixity of species’; that is, that all the species we have today were created originally by God, that there no new species arise today. Richard Dawkins promotes this straw man.1 The evolutionist then gives an example of speciation (breeding isolation) happening, such as loss of flight in beetles and breeding isolation of flighted and flightless beetles, and Voilà: evolution proven! This is an example of the fallacy of false alternatives because disproving the notion of fixity of species would not demonstrate that microbes changed into mankind by evolutionary processes. Unfortunately some misinformed creationists have supported this false notion of fixity of species, which is on our list of Arguments we think that creationists should not use. Speciation is an important part of a robust creationist biology. Even Linnaeus (1707–1778), the famous creationist biologist who pioneered the classification of living things, as he studied hybridizing in plants recognized that new species had formed from the originally created kinds. Conversely, Darwin’s long-age mentor Charles Lyell, an anti-Christian deist, promoted fixity of species, Darwin’s straw-man target. Today’s creationist biologists likewise posit that God created various basic kinds of organisms with the ability to adapt and that new species have formed from the original created kinds. Arctic wolves and African wolves both derived from an original created wolf kind (involving adaptation and speciation). There is a creationist orchard, where each tree represents the descendants of original created kinds, in contrast to the evolutionary tree or a ‘lawn’, the latter being a false view of a creationist approach to biology. See How variation within-a-kind is a completely different concept from evolution from microbes to microbiologists and Speciation and the Created Kinds Q&A.

Changing a worm into a fish needs more than just speciation; it needs the addition of new genetic information, and lots of it. See: Argument: natural selection leads to speciation (Refuting Evolution, chapter 4).

7/ The scientific consensus is that evolution is true. Regarding appeals to consensus, Michael Crichton said this: “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” In 2008, 16 of the world’s top evolutionists met, by invitation, in Altenberg, Austria. Their purpose was to discuss the crisis in evolutionary biology because many of them had come to see that the supposed mechanisms of mutations and natural selection did not explain the diversity of life. The only consensus was that there is a major problem. See a review of a book about the conference. History is replete with examples of ‘consensus science’ that later proved to be dead wrong.

8/ Furthermore, when we examine the way in which ‘consensus’ is achieved on evolution, we can see that it is no measure of truth. Effectively anyone who dares to question the prevailing evolutionary paradigm is denied a place of influence among the science fraternity. No scientist who wants to progress in academia will dare step out of line. There are plenty of examples of what happens to the wayward to ‘warn’ any would-be dissenters. See: The games some people play. There are even organizations operating to protect evolution from any criticism! Finally, much of this ‘consensus’ was achieved by counting heads that themselves arrived at the ‘consensus’ by counting heads.
119. rhaj0 ( 17/12/2015 14:15)
Ya ya... cretinista no vakianao, ka dia tsy mahagaga e.. Jereo tsara ilay source e... inona ilay rangahy mampiesona anao ao io. Tsy hitanao ve fa zareo ao, dia hotry ny hoe... ilay profetan'i RBNIR.. dia izay no iantsampazanao, dia izay no to-teny aminao.. tsisy cross-reference akoriny ve?

maninona moa raha mba mandeha mijery organisme mba fanta-poko fanta-pirenena eee...
120. endriny ( 17/12/2015 15:09)



Injay ilay feo"..

Feo in?

Manakoako eran-tany
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