Ilay Fampianaran'i YAHOSHUAH mitondra mankany andanitra

21. MINDAOZY ( 03/07/2017 05:32)


Tena ho menatra amin'io ianareo RA TAN sns a!!! Ampidirin'ingahy samuelson edward amin'ny kizo ianareo!!!

Nofahanany lainga Be mihitsy fa mahirata e!!! tsy mora mora ange izany lasa any amin'ny Afo Be izany e!!!

Hoy i YAHOSHUAH hoe:
"LIOKA,13:24 Miseseha hiditra amin'ny varavarana ÈTY(TERY) ianareo; fa hoy Izaho aminareo: maro no hitady hiditra, fa tsy afaka."
Tena nampidirin'ny Ambassadeur an'i Yahoshuah t@ ilay varavarana éty/tery izahay; nampidiriny ato @ YAHOSHUAH izahay.

"JAONA,3:16 Fa toy izao no nitiavan'Andriamanitra an'izao tontolo izao: nomeny ny Zanany lahy Tokana, mba tsy ho very izay rehetra mino Azy, fa hanana fiainana mandrakizay. ... 18 Izay mino Azy dia tsy hohelohina; fa izay tsy mino kosa dia efa voaheloka rahateo, satria tsy nino ny ANARAN'ny Zanakalahy Tokan'Andriamanitra izy.

=> RBNIR sy stahtam no voaheloka dia ho may any @ afo be, satria tsy mino an'i YAHOSHUAH. E!! Ny aza mba maty e!!
22. RBNIR ( 03/07/2017 05:50)
Izany hoe raha azoko tsara dia misy indray koa izany ny YAHOSHUAH mpandrava didy 10 sy ny YAHOSHUAH (tsy mpandrava didy folo)???
23. MINDAOZY ( 03/07/2017 05:53)


1°) Resaka efa t@ novembre sy décembre 2016 no naverinao, izany hoe efa voavaly avokoa. Ka tsy marina ve ilay nolazaiko hoe lany lainga dia ny eo ihany no averimberina?

Efa ireo napetrak'i RA TAN ireo koa ny valiteninao t@ izany, fa ilay ANARAN'NY MESIANAO sy ny ANARAN'ILAY IVAVAHANAO no tsy sahinao aseho eto mihintsy mandrak'izao. Fa rediredy be sy toram-po be ary bontolon-kevitra be vokatry ny fialonana fotsiny no amenoanao pejy eto.
24. MINDAOZY ( 03/07/2017 06:04)


Izany hoe raha azoko tsara dia misy indray koa izany ny YAHOSHUAH mpandrava didy 10 sy ny YAHOSHUAH (tsy mpandrava didy folo)???

YAHOSHUAH ilay Mesia Zanak'A/tra dia MANDRAVA DIDY FOLO.
Fa misy mpampitandrina didy folo misandoka ho Yahoshuah koa anefa, fa tsy Yahoshuah izany ireny.

Fa l JESOSY kosa aminao mandrava didy folo sa mampitandrina didy folo? (teneno @ i stahtam ny marina momba an'iny JESOSY iny fa tena fanina izy)
25. RBNIR ( 03/07/2017 06:19)
Raha izaho no mandinika!!! (raha izaho hoy aho) dia ingahy samuelson edwar no misandoka satria ilay Anarana dia efa nisy taloha ben'ny fampianaran'ingahy samuelson edwar namana mindaozy!!!

Izay tonga aoriana mantsy no mpisandoka fa tsy ny efa tompon-toerana tsy akory!!!
26. tspoaeta ( 03/07/2017 06:42)


Sarotra be ilay fampianarana ry
fa tsy amin'ny tenin'i Yahoshua a! Marina raha misy azoko mihintsy

sahaza ny ankizy sy tanora ary ny antitra io fampianarana io; sahaza hoan'ny tsy dia ampy saina sy izay miseho be saina koa.
fa samia mihaino fa io ilay teny velona, tsy mampatory ampitsanganana
27. stahtam ( 03/07/2017 08:01)
1°) « EFA FANTATRY ny Ambasadoran' YAHOSHUAH Samuëlson Edward io Anarana Yahoshuah io satria nomena azy amin'ny maha iraka azy avy any an-danitra »
Dia ahoana indray izany ity? “Fa saingy mbola tsy nilaza ny anarany Izy t@ izany dia mbola tsy nahafantatra izahay; tsy misy mahadiso anay ny niteny hoe “Jesosy mandrava didy 10”;
Ary i Episcopo ve efa nahalala t@ izany ? Fa izy koa mantsy dia mbola niteny hoe “Jesosy mandrava didy 10” t@ izany, sa mbola tsy nahalala (tampoka) indray izy t@ izany? Ianareo ange izany anafenany fotsiny e! Sao dia mba i episcopo kosa no tena minia tsy mijery anareo e!
Fa naleony izany nampiasa anaran-devoly. A BOU BOU.
2°) a- “Tamin'izany andro izany, rehefa NAMPIANATRA ny Anaran'i Yahoshuah ny Ambasadoran' YAHOSHUAH Samuëlson Edward, dia NIKAROKA tao amin'ny Internet izahay mpianany fa tsy nahita tamin'izany 01 Avril 2009 izany. TSY OLONA IRAY no nitady an'izay fa ny rehetra satria ho atao hira fiderana ilay Anarana, ka raha tsy izy io dia very vola amin'ny clip sy hira izay ho avoaka. Nikaroka NANDRITRA NY 6 VOLANA izahay mpianatry ny Ambasadoran' YAHOSHUAH tao amin'ny Internet fa TSY NISY an'izany Anarana izany MIHINTSY tao.
Izany hoe: tsy hitanareo REHETRA NANDRITRA NY 6 VOLANA MIHINTSY izany io rohy io! Mpandainga izany ianareo rehetra.
b- “Nikaroka Yahoshuah tao @ internet izahay t@ 2009, fa tsy nahita. Fa taty aorian’ny 2009 ny olona vao nangalatahaka daholo dia mamorona daty ry zareo (ny daty anie azo foronina e)”
Raha hoe daty AZO foronina, dia tsotra izany e: mpamorona izany ny internet. Ianareo anefa nanely zavatra voalazan’ny internet (fananganana ny tempoly faha 3, fanangonana 4 euros /olona any Israel…): dia inona izany no filaza anareo? Milaza tsy tia … nefa …
3°) Ity zavatra nolazainao farany ity dia avoitra kely:
“Nampiasain’i YAHOSHUAH koa ilay anarana devoly (JESOSY) t@ 1995-2008”
Tena TETU mihitsy izany ilay Yahoshuah, sady sarotra hajaina: i episcopo efa avy any an-danitra ary efa mahalala ilay “tena” anarany (hono), nefa mbola anaran-devoly ihany no ampiasainy. Amiko dia tsy izany mihitsy no ho Mesiako, anarany aza tsy voalaminy.
4°) “Fa izay manaiky ataon’ny devoly fitaovana hanaratsiana an’i YAHOSHUAH tahaka an’i stahtam no devoly”
Ka angaha moa ilaina haratsiana indray ilay Yahoshuah? Efa hita io ambony io ange ny toetrany e!
5°) “ASA,17:30 Ary Andriamanitra ninia tsy nijery ny andron’ny tsy-fahalalàna; fa ankehitriny Izy mandidy ny olona rehetra amin’izao tontolo izao hibebaka”.
Nisy nanontany indray mandeha t@ episcopo hoe “izay rehetra tsy nahafantatra fa rava ny didy 10 nefa maty t@ fitandremana didy 10, dia ahoana?” Dia hoy I episcopo hoe: VERY!
Ianareo indray anefa milaza hoe satria “tsy nahalala” dia tsy diso ianareo @ izany. Dia hoy aho hoe: Andriamanitra sadasada io resahin’ny Asa 17/30 io.
6°) “JER,25:8 ”: Nebokadinezara dia mpanompo sampy be (manompo devoly), nefa eto izy nataon’i Yahvah hoe “Nebokadinezara mpanompoko”: izany hoe A/tra tsy miraharaha izany fa na ny devoly aza ampiasainy rehefa misy tiany ahatongavana. Fa tsy hiteny ianao hoe devoly A/tra satria mampiasa devoly. Nampiasain’i YAHOSHUAH koa ilay anarana devoly (JESOSY) t@ 1995-2008
Valiny: Nampiasaina hahazoana famonjena ve I Nebokadnezara “mpanompony”? Nampiasaina hatao inona ilay anarana? Raha lazainareo fa tsy misy anarana hafa ahazoana famonjena, dia mino ve ianareo natao batisa t@ io anaran-devoly io fa hahazo famelan-keloka ? Raha tsy jesosy mihitsy ange izany tsy mety mandrava didy 10 e! Efa ravan’i Jesosy izany ny tanàna vao miditra i Yahoshuah.
8°)”Mikasika an’ilay Yahoshuah eo @ io rohin’i stahtam io indray dia lazainareo fa t@ 1998; ary mampitandrina didy 10 io lazainareo io, mbola aorian’ny 1995 nanambarana ny faharavan’ny didy 10 izany”
Manaiky izany ianao fa efa nisy talohan’ny 2009 ilay anarana hoe Yahoshuah. Fialàna bala @ lainga tratra ny fanitarana ny resaka @ faharavan’ny didy 10.
9°) “Ary ndana koa ary anontanio ilay lazainareo fa nanonona “Yahoshuah 1998”, fa tena mbola MPANOTA izy”
Ka iray ihany ange ianareo e: Ilay nahita Yahoshuah talohanareo :”mpanota” satria “mitandrina didy 10”; ilay yahoshuah tompoinareo nampiasa anaran-devoly hamonjena anareo. Sobika iray ihany izany.
10°) “Ianareo variana ary @ resaka daty fotsiny dia odinareo fanina ilay RAVA DIDY FOLO izay fampianarana tena iankinan’ny mandrakizay mihintsy. TSINDRIKO TSARA ITY, FA INTY NO TENA FOTOTRA:
“EFES,2:15; GAL,5:4; JAONA,12:49 ; 1KOR,14:37 …“
Valiny: Efa hiala bolila izy manao an’izay, fa anarana mantsy no resaka eto. Ny resaka faharavan’ny didy 10 dia resaka efa nandeha tany aloha tany fa tsy testamenta vaovao feno lainga indray no hamahananao olona eto.
11°) “Donc, ianareo MPITANDRINA DIDY FOLO (stahtam, …) no ho may any @ afo be araka ny lalàna(fa tsy araka ny torampo tahak’ireny ataonareo ireny); sady ianareo koa no MPANOTA dia normal be raha dorana any @ afo be”
Ka efa noroahinareo ho any @ helo mihitsy ange aho fa mbola eto ihany e! Hodorana indray hoy ianao! Sao dia mba efa mivika àry ianareo ao?
12°) “koa, ary raha nahita "Yahoshuah" tao @ internet koa ireny mpanohitra ireny t@ izany efa nasehony anay izay hitany, fa tsy nisy izany”
Radio eo Ambohidrapeto ve no misy mpihaino “be dia be” dia olona any an-dafy no antenainareo handany andro haneho ny porofo andrasanareo? Sao dia mbola tsy tafaverina avy any @ helo àry ianareo ka tsy mahalala ny réalités ety an-tany intsony?
13°) “Ary i stahtam milaza fa efa naharaka ny HFF RADIO hatr@ 1996 koa tsy niteny t@zany”
Ka tsotra ilay izy: Inona no tanjona? Ny hahazo famonjena (fiainana mandrakizay). Ka fiainana mandrakizay inona no antenaina ao anaty lainga? Ny boky nakanareo ilay anarana dia testamenta vaovao (Matio 1/21) izay hevitry ny manam-pahaizana. (Yah + hoshuah = Yahoshuah). T@ 2016 vao nanomboka nandray testamenta taloha hampiadiana mason-daomy fa tratra foana ilay lainga (Yhoshuah tsy misy zana-tsoratra “hono”). Ilay anarana nanaovana batisa anareo anaran-tsampy grika. Ny fampianaranareo lainga (Yahoshuah no nahary ny lanitra sy ny tany). Ny baibolinareo mandainga (misy teny hoe elohym ao @ eks 12/12). Ka inona no antenaina @ lainga? Famonjena ve? Ianareo no voavonjin’izany, fa raha izaho: andraso eo i Paoly!.
28. stahtam ( 03/07/2017 08:09)



sahaza ny ankizy sy tanora ary ny antitra io fampianarana io; sahaza hoan'ny tsy dia ampy saina sy izay miseho be saina koa.
fa samia mihaino fa io ilay teny velona, tsy mampatory ampitsanganana
Efa mandeha izao ny fanaporofoana fa ny aina no matezà dia ho hita eo ny be (sy ny tsy ampy) saina sy ny matory am-pitsanganana sy ny manonofy antoandro.
Ianao izao mbola frais tsara (raha tsy hoe niova pseudo angaha) dia mba ampio ry zareo ry zareo hanaporofo hoe TENY VELONA marina no lazainy eto.
Iza no mpaminany nilaza ny Matio 2/23 fa fahatanterahan'ny faminaniana "hono" io sady "filazantsara". Raha tsy mahavaly an'io ianao dia mino koa izany fa lainga= teny velona. Ataovy @ ilay valin-teny tsy be saina ireny mihitsy e!
29. endriny ( 03/07/2017 13:27)


sahaza ny ankizy sy tanora ary ny antitra io fampianarana io; sahaza hoan'ny tsy dia ampy saina sy izay miseho be saina koa.
fa samia mihaino fa io ilay teny velona, tsy mampatory ampitsanganana

Ka sarotra be ilay fandikan-teny ho anay badra be koa
30. tspoaeta ( 05/07/2017 03:51)

Efa mandeha izao ny fanaporofoana fa ny aina no matezà dia ho hita eo ny be (sy ny tsy ampy) saina sy ny matory am-pitsanganana sy ny manonofy antoandro.
Ianao izao mbola frais tsara (raha tsy hoe niova pseudo angaha) dia mba ampio ry zareo ry zareo hanaporofo hoe TENY VELONA marina no lazainy eto.
Iza no mpaminany nilaza ny Matio 2/23 fa fahatanterahan'ny faminaniana "hono" io sady "filazantsara". Raha tsy mahavaly an'io ianao dia mino koa izany fa lainga= teny velona. Ataovy @ ilay valin-teny tsy be saina ireny mihitsy e!

Efa hitako sahady, fa hano avokoa aloha ny vary mangatsikanao fa sao maty ianao fa tsy matory fotsiny. Hiteny ianao hoe za tsy hinana, dia hoy aho hoe tsy maintsy mihinana. Hoy ianao hoe fa ianao no iza? Dia hoy aho hoe i RBNIR koa efa nahita
31. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 05:06)

Dia hoy aho hoe i RBNIR koa efa nahita

Nahita inona hono ity aho ry tspoaeta????
32. stahtam ( 05/07/2017 05:36)


Efa mandeha izao ny fanaporofoana fa ny aina no matezà dia ho hita eo ny be (sy ny tsy ampy) saina sy ny matory am-pitsanganana sy ny manonofy antoandro.
Ianao izao mbola frais tsara (raha tsy hoe niova pseudo angaha) dia mba ampio ry zareo ry zareo hanaporofo hoe TENY VELONA marina no lazainy eto.
Iza no mpaminany nilaza ny Matio 2/23 fa fahatanterahan'ny faminaniana "hono" io sady "filazantsara". Raha tsy mahavaly an'io ianao dia mino koa izany fa lainga= teny velona. Ataovy @ ilay valin-teny tsy be saina ireny mihitsy e!

Efa hitako sahady, fa hano avokoa aloha ny vary mangatsikanao fa sao maty ianao fa tsy matory fotsiny. Hiteny ianao hoe za tsy hinana, dia hoy aho hoe tsy maintsy mihinana. Hoy ianao hoe fa ianao no iza? Dia hoy aho hoe i RBNIR koa efa nahita
1°) Mazava izany! Asehoy mazava eto àry izay vary mangatsiakaNTSIKA sy IANAO (irery). Dia ataovy resaka MAZAVA, MISESY sy MILAMINA. Averiko indray mandeha: antsika sy ianao irery, ary, resaka MAZAVA, MISESY sy MILAMINA.
2°) " Hoy ianao hoe fa ianao no iza?"
Raha ny nandalo teto aloha tsy dia nilaiko loatra hoe iza na iza. Ny heviny no nasososony teto dia novaliako sy noporofoiko. Toraka izany koa i tspoaeta: ny identité-nao dia tsy ilaiko ho fantarina akory fa tsy sujet eto izany.
33. RA TAN ( 05/07/2017 08:20)

Posted by Dau..berean on July 15, 1998 at 18:21:13:

Okay, I just copied this, so now it is in two Eliyah, you can delete the guest book entry..sorry again. Baruch HaShem...

Okay..I have visited this sight quite often now. I am really enjoying it and I am happy to say it seems everyone here
is trying to have a the right heart. I have enjoyed several articles here, commented on a few. However I am still in
quite a pixy in the name thing. I left an entry before, and someone answered, but really not clearly. I read D'vorah's
article on the NAME..if you know and found it interesting, but I doubled checked the view against some rabbi's and
well here you all read and tell me why I should believe that the tetragrammatrom is really your "Yaweh", the name your aren't suppose to pronounce. I am finding this view very hard to substianate. A lot of people have thier own ideas...but I need solid evidence, and well, this seems to contradict the earlier stated article. Baruch HaShem...


Shemot - The Meaning of The Holy Names

There is a controversy over the pronunciation of the holy names, and their pronunciation. So, as a service, I have printed up this
page to eliminate all confusion. It seems a might picky thing to argue over how words were pronounced 3500 years ago, when
there's a good history and tradition lasting two thousand years of pronunciation. But anyway.

The Ineffable name is not pronuonced "Jehovah", but rather, Yahveh (as in Hah, Pay). As I mentioned earlier in the A Guide to
Hebrew! page, there is no record of Jews anywhere in the world pronouncing the Vav as a 'W' sound. This theory is relatively
new, and pretty much supported by the same people that brought us JEPD (Wellhausen), so you can judge its reliability by that.
Theologians have somehow concluded that Hebrew was once ronounced somewhat differently, under the theory of the changing
tongue sound. The theory first started from Theologians assuming that Hebrew evolved from Egyptian and Arabic, instead of the
other way around. I used to have a book written by one of Wellhausen's contemporaries making this assertion ("The Hebraic
Tongue Restored"). Prophecy states that the Jews would again start speaking the 'pure language' when they came into the land,
and they have. To my ears, this would include the proper pronunciation.

The name of Messiah is Yeshua . This is not a curse (The famous curse is pronounced Ya'sha , first syllable quickly,
emphasis on second, and means 'May His Name Pass away'). Pronouncing it as Yahoshuah would be to translate it as
IEHSUS, and it alas is translated as IESUS. I understand Baptists from Texas pronounce it this way ("Je-HEEE-Zeus'ah"). I find
this annoying - but then, the Rhode Island code word for "Will there be anything else" annoys me, too ("zzadit ?"). There is an
added problem - Yahoshuah is Joshua, the prophet. Are you sure you wish to pronounce the Messiah's name this way?
There is good evidence it is pronounced "Yeshua"
, not the least is Orthodox prayers that have survived to this day that speak to a "Yeshua " as if he were a living, divine person. Yahshua is also a poor translation - merely limiting will save", instead of the all, encompassing, "Salvation" (which, incidentally, is mentioned 45 times in the New Covenant) "Acts 16:17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high G-d, way of Salvation ." (It is well known that before the early Messianics were called Nazarenes and the Gentile followers Christianos, that the sect was called Ha'Derek, the Way. It may be that this was the abbreviation
of the earliest title, here cited in Acts 16, The Way of Salvation, Ha'Derek Yeshua).

There is no argument over how to pronounce Ruach Hakodesh, or Moshiach. But I have heard people say "Yahshua Ha'Massiach", and again, the correct pronunciation would be "Yeshua Ha'Moshiach" (Salvation, the anointed Saviour).

Let's look at the Gematria of Yeshua : yod adds to 10, and there is a Vav in the name as well. This totals to 16 (10+6), the
equivalent of an Ayin (16), the equivalent of YAH A(Yod, Heh, and an Aleph added). The Aleph stands for Elohim, G-d.
Remember the first commandment? I AM the Lord your G-d.
The Shin adds to 21, or Yod Yod Ayin (YiYe, or Will Be, Aleph as Echad, one as in Will Be One, such as in Zechariah 14, the
famous prayer V'nehemar - "In that day Hashem shall be one and His Name One (V'nehehmahr, V'hayah Adonai, l'melech al kol
ha-arets, bayom hahoo yiyeh Adonai Echad. Ushimo, echad.) The very spelling of Yeshua shows a perfection, born out
repeatedly inYakov Rambsel's book, Yeshua (The Name of Jesus revealed in the Old Testament) Frontier research publications,
ISBN 0-921714-34-3. 8 is the number of Government, and is represented over and over again in Yeshua's name. The 8 Strings of the Tsitsit includes the one blue one, the pattern again of perfect number plus one. 8 is the number of Chet , the last
letter of Mashiach . Notice the backward code in Mashiach ? In the middle is reversed, the first two letters of Yeshua's name. It is also a code for Hashem Shem, or G-d's Name. Thus the 8 in tsitsit can be seen as the Chet, then Hashem Shem Mashach, or the anointed Name Hashem. Another translation of this code is Yeshua, Shamash Mashach, or the Saviour Anointed Servant. Indeed, the controversial Isaiah 7:14& 15 (Alma, young maiden or Virgin?)
which I have dealt with elsewhere, spells out Mashiach every 16 letters, which is double 8, the equivalent of Ayin. Again, the first and third letters in the name Yeshua. Yeshua with the second and fourth letters taken out are . When replaced with dual Heh's to add to the ten of Yod, it spells out , Hashem.

A lot of the controversy ;is from John 5:43 "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.". They forget that this means Authority, and does not mean that the "Yah" sound must be in the
name. Also, a lack of understanding of Hebrew fosters this confusion. The vowel points are interchangable; as long as many of the Consonants are the same, it contains the same meaning ("Weak" consonants such as Heh can sometimes be replaced or even
lost by other weak or sometimes stronger conssonants, such as Ayin. The Name Yeshua is a;conjugation of Yeshuah, the feminine form of Salvation, and literally is the ineffable name Yahveh with a;Shin added, the letter of holiness. Any mistranslation
of the name threatens or weakens this association).

But as I said, it's a silly thing to argue about, and this is just Public Service.

Have a nice day.

The Torah Scrolls || Sidebars || Table of Contents || Send E-Mail
Last Update: 07/09/98
Web Author: Rabbi Malachi Z. Goodman
Copyright ©1998 by Rabbi Malachi Z. Goodman - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This rabbi has a most excellent web sight called Torah scrolls, I don't have the link just yet,
but I will get it to you. His name is Malachi Goodman. This article is on his sight under Holy names..
.also it has a graph that breaks down all the meaning of the manes by letter, or pronounciation. I couldn't
copy that.


NY TAZANA ETO IZAO DIA OLONA IRAY NO NITENY AN'IREO REHETRA IREO, ary ny zavatra lazainy ao dia hoe "YESHUAH" no anaran'ny mesia, fa YAHOSHUAH kosa lazainy fa JOSOA mpaminany. Tsy misy fantany akory ny fepetra mandrafitra ny anaran'ilay zanak'A/tra satria tsy tompony ireo. Raha anontaniana zao io mpanoratra io hoe "Aiza ao @ io YESHUAH io ary ilay anaran'A/tra Ray araka ny JAONA,17:11 sy MAT,1:21? fa tsy hainy izany a!
34. RA TAN ( 05/07/2017 08:25)
Hoan’izay rehetra mino ny baiboly no itenenako eto dia hoan’izay manaiky ny testameta vaovao izany, fa tsy dia hoan’i stahtam izay efa mitsipaka ny baiboly rehetra akory.
Marihiko tsara aloha fa FAMPIANARAN’I YAHOSHUAH ILAY MITONDRA MANKANY ANDANITRA no sujet eto: izany fampianarana izany dia niainga avy t@ FAHARAVAN’NY DIDY FOLO EFA T@ 1995, fa tsy ny resaka anarana ihany. Ary ny Ambasadeur an’i Yahoshuah SAMUELSON EDWARD no mitondra ny teny. “2JAONA 9: izay rehetra mitarika nefa tsy mitoetra amin’ny fampianaran’i Yahoshuah dia tsy manana an’Andriamanitra”: rehefa vita ny fanazavana an’ilay fampianarana RAVA NY DIDY FOLO dia noporofoin’A/tra fa aty @ mpandrava didy folo no misy an’A/tra; noporofoiny t@ alalan’ny namoahany ny anarany taty izany t@ 2009. Fa maninona I stahtam no matahotra mafy ra vao mahita resaka didy folo? Kanefa samy efa noresahina tary ambadika daholo na ny resaka anarana na ny didy folo.

Tao andanitra tao @ Yahoshuah sy ny Ray(Yah) ny Ambasadeur an’i Yahoshuah SAMUELSON EDWARD dia nirahin’i Yahoshuah hankety antany. Efa nahafantatra ny anaran’ny Ray(YAH) sy ny anarana YAHOSHUAH hatrizay Izy. Fa tsy tonga dia noteneniny dia nambarany izany anarana izany fa manaraka ny programme nandaminan’A/tra izany Izy.
Yahoshuah aza anie raha tonga teto antany t@ fotoanandrony; mbola nankao ankibon’i Maria aloha Izy, dia tany antranon’omby no teraka fa tsy tany @ hopitaly manara-penitra, dia mbola nitomany t@ maha zaza Azy, dia mbola nitombo batana, dia t@ farany Izy vao nanao ny asa nanirahana Azy.
Dia tahak’izany koa ny Ambasadeur an’i Yahoshuah; tsy maintsy nanaraka izay zava-nisy teto antany aloha, avieo vao nilaza ny anaran’i Ray(YAH) sy YAHOSHUAH.
Raha vao nanota koa i Adama sy eva, maninona no tsy teo noho eo ihany A/tra dia tonga dia nanavora azy? Fa maninona no 1000 taona taty aoriana Izy vao naniraka an’i NOAH dia 2000 taona taty aoriana Izy vao naniraka an’i MOSHE? Ary maninona no 4000 taona taty aoriana A/tra vao naniraka an’i YAHOSHUAH mba HAMONJY ny olona ho afaka @ fahotany? Valiny: satria izay no programme an’A/tra, fa tsy araky ny fisainanao olombelona sy ny fisainan’i stahtam ny fisainany. Raha araka ny saina ratsy alefan’i stahtam izany dia vao nanota i Adama sy Eva dia tokony eo noho eo YAHOSHUAH dia tonga mba hamonjy azy, kanefa 4000 taona taty aoriana i YAHOSHUAH vao tonga. Noho izany very daholo izay rehetra teo anelanelan’ny taona -4000 ka hatr@ taona zéro (0) nahatongavan’i YAHOSHUAH, afatsy izay nahazo famindram-po manokana irery raha ny lalàna no jerena; fa A/tra mamindra fo @ izay tiany hamindrana fo ary efa niteny koa Izy hoe VITSY no fidiany. Sady ny olona koa no te hivadika aminy fa tsy hoe Izy akory no naninona; A/tra aza nanenina ny t@ nanamboarany anao olombelona ka ianao indray ve no mba mbola miseho be vava eo anatrehany. Tadidio koa fa fanaky ny fahatezerana voavoatra hosimbana ianao hoy A/tra, ka inona no iraharahany anao? Tsy miraharaha anao izany Izy fa potehany ianao rehefa maditra; Izy no nanamboatra anao dia ananany koa ny fahefana hanapotika anao, fa tsy ianao indray no miseho be saina eo anatrehany ka ny eritreritrao manokanay any no tadiavinao harahiny sy ho tanterahiny.

Araka ny efa nambarako teto dia YAH no nahary ny lanitra sy ny tany sy ny zava-drehetra, ary niaiky izany I stahtam. Ary efa nilaza koa i stahtam fa fahavalon’ny elohym izay ivavahany io A/tra YAH io. I stahtam koa anefa manana ny mesiany izay tsy sahiny aseho eto ny anarany fa sao potika eto. Mazava hoazy fa mpiray tsikombakomba @ ilay fahavalon’i YAH izany ilay mesian’i stahtam. Tsy mahagaga raha mitsipaka baiboly i stahtam.
Ny anaran’ny mesian’i stahtam no asaina asehon’i stahtam eto dia ho hita eo raha sahy miatrika an’i YAHOSHUAH na tsia, nefa ny anaran’i Nebokadinezara indray no alahatr’i stahtam @ YAHOSHUAH eto. Fa angaha NEBOKADINEZARA ilay anaran’ny mesianao ry stahtam??? Efa hoe mpanompo sampy be iny Nebokadinezara iny, fa mody nataon’i YAH hoe fotsiny mpanompoko mba hampialona ny israeliana izay tsy mahatandrina ny torah tahaka an’i stahtam tsy mahatandrina ny torah (tsy mety mody any Israel).

“Ny boky nakanareo ilay anarana dia testamenta
vaovao (Matio 1/21) izay hevitry ny manam-pahaizana. (Yah + hoshuah = Yahoshuah)”
. Hevitry ny tsy manampahaizana any @ boky inona no misy an’ilay mesianao? Ao @ boky farimamy ve? Fa tsy ao @ baiboly aloha e, satria ianao aza mitsipaka baiboly
35. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 09:08)

NY TAZANA ETO IZAO DIA OLONA IRAY NO NITENY AN'IREO REHETRA IREO, ary ny zavatra lazainy ao dia hoe "YESHUAH" no anaran'ny mesia, fa YAHOSHUAH kosa lazainy fa JOSOA mpaminany. Tsy misy fantany akory ny fepetra mandrafitra ny anaran'ilay zanak'A/tra satria tsy tompony ireo. Raha anontaniana zao io mpanoratra io hoe "Aiza ao @ io YESHUAH io ary ilay anaran'A/tra Ray araka ny JAONA,17:11 sy MAT,1:21? fa tsy hainy izany a!

Tsy dia izay loatra ny fandraisako an'ilay izy RA TAN fa izao:

Nisy olona nilaza fa hoe YAHOSHUAH no anaran'ilay mesia dia miezaka manaporofo izy hoe tsy izay fa hafa io natolony io....

Dikany efa tamin'ny taona 1998 (na talohan'izay no efa nisy namoaka) ilay Anarana YAHOSHUAH fa tsy hoe taty amin'ny taona 2009 akory...

Dikany olon-kafa mihitsy no efa namoaka io Anarana io talohan'ingahy samuelson edwar, ary tsy marina ny fanambarana fa ingahy samuelson edwar no namoaka voalohany an'io Anarana io..
36. RA TAN ( 05/07/2017 09:28)

Nisy olona nilaza fa hoe YAHOSHUAH no anaran'ilay mesia dia miezaka manaporofo izy hoe tsy izay fa hafa io natolony io....

Dikany efa tamin'ny taona 1998 (na talohan'izay no efa nisy namoaka) ilay Anarana YAHOSHUAH fa tsy hoe taty amin'ny taona 2009 akory...

Dikany olon-kafa mihitsy no efa namoaka io Anarana io talohan'ingahy samuelson edwar, ary tsy marina ny fanambarana fa ingahy samuelson edwar no namoaka voalohany an'io Anarana io..

IZA ilay olona hafa lazainareo fa niteny teo hoe YAHOSHUAH no anaran'ilay zanak'A/tra???

Asehoy eto mihintsy ny soratra nilazany an'izany.

Fa ny hita eto aloha dia YESHUA tsy misy anaran'A/tra Ray no lazainy fa mesia, fa Yahoshuah lazainy fa Josoa mpaminany
37. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 10:00)


Efa nahafantatra ny anaran’ny Ray(YAH) sy ny anarana YAHOSHUAH hatrizay Izy. Fa tsy tonga dia noteneniny dia nambarany izany anarana izany fa manaraka ny programme nandaminan’A/tra izany Izy.

Otran'ny tsy marina izany RA TAN an! Yahl izao tato nanindry daty mazava tsara anankiroa mihitsy hoe 1/04/2009 sy 04/03/2009

Mino aho fa fantatrao tsara mihitsy hoe iza moa i Yahl RA TAN!!!
38. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 10:03)

IZA ilay olona hafa lazainareo fa niteny teo hoe YAHOSHUAH no anaran'ilay zanak'A/tra???

Asehoy eto mihintsy ny soratra nilazany an'izany.

Fa ny hita eto aloha dia YESHUA tsy misy anaran'A/tra Ray no lazainy fa mesia, fa Yahoshuah lazainy fa Josoa mpaminany

Anontanio an'ingahy Dau..berean izay nanoratra ilay post tamin'ny July 15, 1998 at 18:21:13: RA TAN A!

Io Anarana io ange tsy olana amiko hoy aho fa ilay filazana lainga hoe ingahy samuelson edwar no nomena an'io voalohany e! sns e!! ireny no olana amiko satria "mpandainga" nefa milaza fa mpanompon'Andriamanitra AVO INDRINDRA....
39. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 10:14)

Ny tena marina RA TAN??? taminareo nitady ilay anarana tamin'ny internet dia mbola donton'ny finoana an'ingahy samuelson edwar ianareo, izay no tsy nahitanareo ilay Anarana fa io ny porofo ankehitriny manambara fa efa nisy ilay Anarana e! ary diso ny fanambara momba ny 04/03/2009 sy ny 01/04/2009.......
40. RBNIR ( 05/07/2017 10:24)
Ny heloka hibabohana hono mody rariny hony ny ntaolo...

Ny soratra Masina koa dia milaza hoe « Izay manafina ny fahotany tsy hambinina; Fa izay mitsotra ka mahafoy azy no hahazo famindram-po. » (Ohabolana 28:13)

Koa afoizo manomboka androany re ny lainga ry samuelson edward sy ny tariny a!!!


Andriamnitra tsy haniraka olona mihitsy handrava didy 10 na hilaza koa hoe mahafaty ny didy folo!!!

Mifanohitra amin'ny teny nolazainy izany

« Aza ataonareo fa tonga Aho handrava ny lalàna na ny mpaminany; tsy tonga Aho handrava, fa hanatanteraka. » (Matio 5:17)

1 TSY NANDRAVA IZY FA TONGA BMA HANANTANTERAKA (hotanterahina ilay didy satria tsy nety tanteraky ny olona mihitsy noho ilay ota izay nanandevo ny olona)

« Fa hoy Jesosy taminy: Nahoana Aho no anontanianao ny amin'izay tsara? Iray no tsara*; fa raha te-hiditra any amin'ny fiainana ianao, tandremo ny didy.[*Na: (Nahoana Aho no ataonao tsara? Tsy misy tsara afa-tsy iray ihany dia Andriamanitra.)] » (Matio 19:17)

2 Ny fitandremana didy dia tsy mahafaty fa ahazoana fiainana mandrakizay!!!

« Ka dia masina tokoa ny lalàna, ary masina ny didy sady marina no tsara. » (Romana 7:12)
« Koa ny tsara va no nahafaty ahy? Sanatria izany! Fa ny ota no nahafaty ahy, mba hiseho ho ota; fa ny tsara no nentiny nahafaty ahy, mba ho tonga ota indrindra ny ota noho ny nataon'ny lalàna. » (Romana 7:13)

3 Ny didy sy ny lalàna dia MASINA MARINA ARY TSARA ary ny soratra masina dia manambara io ambony io hoe "« Koa ny tsara va no nahafaty ahy? Sanatria izany!"


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