Afo fandiovana

21. besoiiin ( 02/12/2006 22:23)
tsisy 2nd chance izany, efa nampahafantarina anao tety ambonin'ny tany fa ity no lalana sy fahamarinana ary fiainana, dia anjaranao no misafidy. t@ tantaran'i lazarosy sy ilay mpanakarena dia mba nangataka ilay mpanakarena nony nahatsiaro fijaliana tao @ afobe mba hampaniraka olona hilaza @ havany mba hibebaka fa misy tokoa izany helo izany, efa manana ny mpaminaniny izy hoy ny Tompo ka asakasany na hino izy na tsia, ny olona lasa any @ fiainana faharoa dia tsy afaka ny hanao intervention @ olona ety antany, toa izany koa ny olona ety antany tsy afaka ny hamafa ny otanao raha lasa any @ fiainana faharoa ianao. Ny ataonao ihany no hitsarana anao, noho izany dia manaova ny marina hatrany ary miambena mandrakariva fa ho avy toy ny mpangalatra aho hoy ny tompo.
22. Zina ( 03/12/2006 00:14)
sonwin [ Valio ] 02-12-2006 13:24:43
Lohateny : Re : Afo fandiovana
ho an'ireo izay tsy mino, mbola ho hitanareo ihany rehefa rahatrizay lasa lasa agnareo

Zany mihitsy:wink:
23. ikaretsaka ( 03/12/2006 04:46)

- taiza no nahenoanao azy io?
- inona izany?
- fa maninona no atao hoe "fandiovana"

tonga de valiana araka ny filaharan'ilay fanontaniana ary ...
enga anie ka hisokatra aloha ny fonao ka mba tsy handeha lava ilay fanazavana fa mba fohifohy ihany(l):D

1) Tamin'ny zavatra niainako sy ny nampianarina ahy ary ny fikarohako manokana sy ny resako manokana amin'andriamanitra no nahenoako azy sy nahatonga ahy nino ny fisiany..ary ahy manokana io

2) Ny Andriamanitra inoako sy ny Jesoako dia andriamanitra mamela heloka foana sy andriamanitra tsy manary.. ary tiany ho zanany aby ny olona rehetra ary ho any aminy ( any an-danitra ..paradisa.. tsy haiko aby ny toerana fa arakarak'ilay olona ihany io) --->omeny "chance" foana isika mba hahatonga antsika any..

de mino aho fa na maty aza ny vatana dia mbola omeny chance ny fanahintsika hanarina izay tsy mety natao fony fahavelona ... de inoako fa any @ io toerana io no manao an izany!

3) natao hoe fandiovana ilay izy satria any ny diovina ny fanahy izay maloto nohon'ny heloka

24. Zina ( 03/12/2006 04:54)
resako manokana amin'andriamanitra no nahenoako azy sy nahatonga ahy nino ny fisiany..ary ahy manokana io

tena mety ho prophete izany ianao raha tsy baser t@ baiboly ny zavatra fantatrao...
25. Zina ( 03/12/2006 04:55)
26. ikaretsaka ( 03/12/2006 05:22)

olona toa anao ihany za saingy za tsy Baiboliste fotsiny..
Izany hoe :
Tsy ny baiboly irery no fototry ny finoako (raha raisiko @ le "se baser" anao) fa Andriamanitra

..enao angaha tsy miresaka manokana amin'Andriamanitra rehefa mivavaka? tsy mangataka amin'ny fanahy masina hanazava ny sainao @ zavatra sasany tsy azonao?
de tsy mba mibitsika aminao mihitsy ve Andriamitra rehefa manao " meditation" na "exercice spirituel" enao?
27. niryna ( 03/12/2006 07:09)
Taiza ianao no nahita izany tao amin\'ny baiboly? Mety misy fiangonana nampianatra anao izany ve? Mba mamaky baiboly ihany aho fa tsy nahita izany.Raha misy roa na telo aminareo no mangataka zavatra iray amin\'ny anarako hoy Jesosy dia eo afovoany aho.Porofo mivaingana izany io fa afaka mifampivavaka isika raha mbola velona,ary mamela ny fahotan-tsika Jesosy raha mibebaka isika na eo am-bavahoanan\'ny fahafantesana aza.TSY AFAKA MIVAVAKA HO AN\'NY MATY NA AMIN\'NY MATY ISIKA.Aleo hoy jesosy ny maty handevina ny maty.Tsy misy hifandraisana intsony izany fa fifidianana roa ihany na AFOBE NA ANY AN-DANITRA,ny eny anelanelany dia tsy misy,izany no mahatonga antsika dieny izao dia efa mangataka famelan-keloka mba ho voavela ny helo-tsika ary dia miandry ny fotoana hiverenan\'i Jesosy isika ka izy no hanangana ny maty rehetra izay olomasina , avy eo isika, ny tsy mpino kosa dia miandry ny fitsarana( God\'s jugment).Tonga ny jerosalema vaovao, hafa ny vatan-tsika fa tsy mitovy amin\'izao intsony.Tsy misy mahalala isika fa ny mihomana ihany no fanafodiny.Toy ny mihina-kanina isan\'andro, toy izany koa ny fanahintsika vokisana ny tenin\'/atra mba ho ampinga hiadiana sy hiarovana ny fahavalo izay mamotraka sy mandratra antsika
28. ikaretsaka ( 03/12/2006 07:27)
[size=13px]KA ZA HOA TSY BAIBOLISTA...[/size]
MBOLA TSY AZONAO FOANA VE? ny ahy tsy tovoziko ao anaty baiboly izany de tsiponiko isan'andalana ato
29. Imahaka ( 03/12/2006 18:24)
ary voasoratra ao anaty baiboly ve hoe tokony in-telo isan'andro no mihinan-kanina? :roll:
30. xxx ( 03/12/2006 19:10)
ary voasoratra ao anaty baiboly ve hoe tokony in-telo isan'andro no mihinan-kanina? :roll:

Toa tsia. Tsika zany zao olom-boaozona tsisy fika fa tsy maintsy mande any amy afobe ? :cry::-D

Matetika i ... sy i ... ary i ... miteny hoe ny fahadalana ny miady hevitra ny finoana, sady ampiany andalana ao amin'ny baiboly mitsy io :lol: Fa refa eto dia mila fanazavana beeeeeee :) Finoana io ry zareo an :-D

Ho an'ny tsy maintsy omena andalan-tsoratra : Raha hitady ny hoe Afo Fandiovana ao aloha, AFAIK, dia tsisy ao e. Fa misy resaka ny purgatory ao amin'ny baiboly ka. Halalino ny Lioka 12 ohatra, indrindra ny faramparany iny. Misy maro hafa. Ny milaza azy mivantana indrindra, AFAIK koa, dia ny 2Makabe ... saingy iny moa izahay Katolika ihany no manaiky an'iny :lol:

Tsy natao hifandresen-dahatra io. Ny maha-Andriamanitra an'i Kristy Jesoa aza moa ... ka io ve no hifampitaritana eto. Fa fanazavana ireo ho an'izay liana.
31. cutie ( 03/12/2006 22:24)
Za alou de mbola tsy maharaka foan we in le afobe de in le afo fandiovana de in le any an-danitra :lol::lol::lol:
32. Zina ( 03/12/2006 23:31)
ikaretsaka [ Valio ] 03-12-2006 06:22:46
Lohateny : Re : Afo fandiovana

olona toa anao ihany za saingy za tsy Baiboliste fotsiny..
Izany hoe :
Tsy ny baiboly irery no fototry ny finoako (raha raisiko @ le "se baser" anao) fa Andriamanitra

..enao angaha tsy miresaka manokana amin'Andriamanitra rehefa mivavaka? tsy mangataka amin'ny fanahy masina hanazava ny sainao @ zavatra sasany tsy azonao?
de tsy mba mibitsika aminao mihitsy ve Andriamitra rehefa manao " meditation" na "exercice spirituel" enao?

miresaka amin'Andriamanitra tokoa aho par l'intermediaire ny manao meditation ... fa ao @ baiboly Andriamanitra no mamaly ahy.... Porofoy kely oe fa miresaka aminao Andriamanitra?
Dia mba inona ny valin-tenin'Andriamanitra anao, ahona no ahafantaranao fa Andriamanitra no mamaly anao???
Soa dia mba ny Devoly no miresaka aminao....
33. ikaretsaka ( 04/12/2006 03:30)
ikaretsaka [ Valio ] 03-12-2006 06:22:46
miresaka amin'Andriamanitra tokoa aho par l'intermediaire ny manao meditation ... fa ao @ baiboly Andriamanitra no mamaly ahy.... Porofoy kely oe fa miresaka aminao Andriamanitra?
Dia mba inona ny valin-tenin'Andriamanitra anao, ahona no ahafantaranao fa Andriamanitra no mamaly anao???
Soa dia mba ny Devoly no miresaka aminao....

Ny valintenin'Andriamanitra ho ahy dia ny Feon'ny fieritreretako...
raha misy zavatra ohatra ka mila hakako decisions dia mivavaka sy mi mediter za.. de manontany ao hoe ahoana no tokony raisiko.. de mangataka fanilovana ny saiko sy ny foko ao za hoe ahoana sy toroy ny lalana alehako za.. de mivoaka eo le izy..

izoa ny fanaovako azy (miala tsiny fa nataoko t@ teny anglisy ny nanoratako azy fa efa part ny diary ko de nataoko copy paste)

Recall that you are in the presence of God

Focus on the Spirit ever at work in you, and consciously embrace a state of reverence.

Offer thanks for God’s many gifts

The Holy is present in our successes and failures, the light and the darkness. Open your heart to all the moments that reveal God to you.
Ask, how has God been at work in my life?
The more we get into the habit of asking ourselves this question, it influences our whole day and how we go about it. Then ask, how have I responded to God’s presence in my life? If we are attentive to the ways we’re being invited and the quality of our response, the grace or opportunity will be revealed to us.

Ask for forgiveness
You may feel shame or sorrow for your lapses.Ask, how am I being called to respond now?
We’re invited to look at the next 24 hours and begin to reinforce the goodness that is beginning to emerge in our lives.

tsy voatery nila baiboly fa ao am-po lalina ao io de efa mety

34. xxx ( 04/12/2006 06:39)
Ikaretsaka, why you make people confused?. You know the bible better than anyone else, please,stop fooling yourself.You know that you are under God\'s judgement.You play fire and you will burn yourself.But blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!Also blessed are those who keep his testimonies who seek him with their whole heart,who also do no wrong but walk in his ways. Come on, wake-up man, stop it \" Instead pray to God to give you strengh and acknowledge.Trust in the lord with all your heart,do not lean on your own understanding,in everyways acknowledge him and he will guide your path.Ask him to give you understanding ,that you may keep his law.
Manahirana ny miresaka amin\'ikaretsaka fa mody adala fontsiny izy kanefa teny ao anaty baiboly daholo no lazainy antsika amin\'ny teny anglisy io , varotany saka be loha fontsiny eto isika fa aza mandany andro miady aminy, manao mpitari-bato vilam-bava fotsiny, mampisavorivory izay manaiky lemeny sainy.
35. majesty ( 04/12/2006 07:07)
zah tsy katolika dia tsy haiko io donc tsy mino aho zany:D
36. ikaretsaka ( 04/12/2006 13:22)
ka tsy ao anaty baiboly io e.. tsipony raha nisy teny tao anaty baiboly na nisy baiboly nisokatra teo t@ nanoratako an'io


Ikaretsaka, why you make people confused?. You know the bible better than anyone else, please,stop fooling yourself.You know that you are under God\'s judgement.You play fire and you will burn yourself.But blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!Also blessed are those who keep his testimonies who seek him with their whole heart,who also do no wrong but walk in his ways. Come on, wake-up man, stop it \" Instead pray to God to give you strengh and acknowledge.Trust in the lord with all your heart,do not lean on your own understanding,in everyways acknowledge him and he will guide your path.Ask him to give you understanding ,that you may keep his law.
Manahirana ny miresaka amin\'ikaretsaka fa mody adala fontsiny izy kanefa teny ao anaty baiboly daholo no lazainy antsika amin\'ny teny anglisy io , varotany saka be loha fontsiny eto isika fa aza mandany andro miady aminy, manao mpitari-bato vilam-bava fotsiny, mampisavorivory izay manaiky lemeny sainy.

37. soanja ( 04/12/2006 13:32)

ikaretsaka [ Valio ] 03-12-2006 06:22:46
miresaka amin'Andriamanitra tokoa aho par l'intermediaire ny manao meditation ... fa ao @ baiboly Andriamanitra no mamaly ahy.... Porofoy kely oe fa miresaka aminao Andriamanitra?
Dia mba inona ny valin-tenin'Andriamanitra anao, ahona no ahafantaranao fa Andriamanitra no mamaly anao???
Soa dia mba ny Devoly no miresaka aminao....

Ny valintenin'Andriamanitra ho ahy dia ny Feon'ny fieritreretako...
raha misy zavatra ohatra ka mila hakako decisions dia mivavaka sy mi mediter za.. de manontany ao hoe ahoana no tokony raisiko.. de mangataka fanilovana ny saiko sy ny foko ao za hoe ahoana sy toroy ny lalana alehako za.. de mivoaka eo le izy..

izoa ny fanaovako azy (miala tsiny fa nataoko t@ teny anglisy ny nanoratako azy fa efa part ny diary ko de nataoko copy paste)

Recall that you are in the presence of God

Focus on the Spirit ever at work in you, and consciously embrace a state of reverence.

Offer thanks for God’s many gifts

The Holy is present in our successes and failures, the light and the darkness. Open your heart to all the moments that reveal God to you.
Ask, how has God been at work in my life?
The more we get into the habit of asking ourselves this question, it influences our whole day and how we go about it. Then ask, how have I responded to God’s presence in my life? If we are attentive to the ways we’re being invited and the quality of our response, the grace or opportunity will be revealed to us.

Ask for forgiveness
You may feel shame or sorrow for your lapses.Ask, how am I being called to respond now?
We’re invited to look at the next 24 hours and begin to reinforce the goodness that is beginning to emerge in our lives.

tsy voatery nila baiboly fa ao am-po lalina ao io de efa mety

Namaste letsy Ikaretsaka.

38. Zina ( 04/12/2006 17:25)
Ikaretsaka, why you make people confused?. You know the bible better than anyone else, please,stop fooling yourself.You know that you are under God's judgement.You play fire and you will burn yourself.

angaha tsy loza mihitsy e...tsy mahay afa tsy io lery
ka ireto ny valony:

Psalms 71 : 1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.

Psalms 109 : 29 Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.

1 Corinthians 14 : 33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

39. Rasiligaoma ( 04/12/2006 17:34)
ka inonao ny probleme-ny raha mino an'i Jesosy izy ka nefa tsy mamaky baiboly?
Ze tiany io ko

XXX: Aza fitahina kosa ny olona fa Tsy ao anaty Baiboly io zavatra nolazainy @ teny Anglisy io aloha fa mba nijery tao aho fa tsy nahita e! Angaha raha tsy mahay teny Anglisy ny sasany dia fitapitahina?
40. pissoa ( 04/12/2006 17:37)
mbola tsy hors size ve sa efa kay ? ... tena tsisy azoko tsony fa lasa teny anglisy be ny ato kle ;-):-D

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