resto chinois

1. diamondra27 ( 05/12/2005 09:49)
hono oa ry zalahy, naheno blagy za indray mande fa tsy fantako na resaka fotsiny na tena izy fa le ranamana etsy ambany moa nilaza fihinana resaka alika ka nanintona ahy. Indro ary:
indray andro hono tany Chine fa tsy haiko oe taiza ho aiza de nisy 2 touristes eropeana nandalo de niditra resto chinois niaraka t@ alikany, de nandroso, de natao ny commande, betsaka olona tao @io resto io satria tena récommandé be oe tsara ka somary elaela vao tonga ny sakafo fa mandrapa de nisotro apero ry zareo. De tonga @ zay ary le plat de resistance de nankafy ery ry zalahy, de nitohy hatr@ dessert, fa nony afapo ry zareo de natao ny addition sady nosaotraotra ery ary nanontany oe lasa aiza i Bobby( le alika io) de ozy le Gérant oe : le nolazainareo fa tsara be iny ka! any ankibonareo izy zao...
2. dadabe ( 05/12/2005 16:36)
anjekaky oo !!:^):^) any izany
3. Veloo ( 05/12/2005 16:40)
diamondra a ie henoko ko io tena marina retsy a...
dadabe a tandremo njy so dia lasa sakafon'ny sinoa any an iza no mahita efa mivadika ny tany aman-danitra :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
4. diamondra27 ( 05/12/2005 16:54)
dadabe sy veloo:sady efa lafo ny fiainana de ze hita de hoanina, sauve qui peut, ndana njay alou dadabe manao voyage kely e, mandrapilamina sa;;;
5. jennifer2 ( 05/12/2005 23:08)
ary efa henonareo ve le masikita alika tena 67ha? t@ ny fotoana krizy hena no nisy an'zay.
6. diamondra27 ( 05/12/2005 23:28)
jenni: tantarao oe, t@ taona firy zany de taiza de nivoka gazety ve , tantarao kia
7. jennifer2 ( 05/12/2005 23:35)
tsy tadidiko le taona de le izy tsy nivoaka gazety ka.
olona mpiditra an'le resto teny 67 ha no nitantara taminay.

Fa hoy ziy hoe nihinana hinan'alika hono ry zareo:
Sady mihinana masikita hono ry zareo no nisotro kely, de afaka kelikely hono te hipipy le iray de nangataka WC. alohan'ny ahatongavana tany @ WC de nahita lohan'alika be de be hono izy.
8. diamondra27 ( 06/12/2005 13:03)
anjekaky o! tena koditra be za!
9. Veloo ( 06/12/2005 23:04)
10. diamondra27 ( 06/12/2005 23:49)
dadabe,jennifer2,veloo, herimiafina, mariano:mba hanomezana fahafampo an'i veloo de natolotro azy ty blague ty kanefa mba nahatsiaro anareo ihany koa aho:

Three men, an Italian, a French and a Spanish went for a job interview in England. Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words : green, pink and yellow.

The Italian was first :
- I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.

The Spanish was next :
- I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV.

Last was the French :
- I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "", I pink up the phone and I say "Yellow" ?
11. jennifer2 ( 07/12/2005 00:48)
:-D:-D:-D, tsy ratsy!
12. Herimiafina ( 07/12/2005 21:18)

dadabe,jennifer2,veloo, herimiafina, mariano:mba hanomezana fahafampo an'i veloo de natolotro azy ty blague ty kanefa mba nahatsiaro anareo ihany koa aho:

Three men, an Italian, a French and a Spanish went for a job interview in England. Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words : green, pink and yellow.

The Italian was first :
- I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.

The Spanish was next :
- I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV.

Last was the French :
- I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "", I pink up the phone and I say "Yellow" ?

=))=))Mahalatsaka konkou ky njy ty kah, hehehehe=))=))

13. fijo ( 07/12/2005 21:59)
milay diamondra an.
14. jennifer2 ( 08/12/2005 02:56)
Mba tiako ho hita zany herimiafina latsaka zany?
15. fijo ( 08/12/2005 05:37)
aza maniry loza ny namana moa e,sa le izy mandatsaka no tiandry lazaina?
anjekaky oo
16. diamondra27 ( 08/12/2005 07:11)
tena tsy arako le vocabulaire fa inon ny dikan'ny le mahalatsaka?
17. jennifer2 ( 09/12/2005 03:58)
fijo: tsy maniry loza zany za, ny mety ho latsaka any @ herimiafina ohatra de kitapo, satroka, kiraro, aknjoba, lobaka, de inona koa re:?: pataloha?
18. Herimiafina ( 09/12/2005 04:12)
diamondra: le mahalatsaka lazaiona eto izany de le latsaka eo ampelatananao e, hehehehee:-D:-D:-D:-D
19. jennifer2 ( 09/12/2005 04:24)
de tatazako moramora.
20. Herimiafina ( 09/12/2005 04:30)
De tatazanao de atsipinao avy eo fa mavesatsa, hehehehe:-D:-D:-D:-D
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