Fitiavana Sarobidy/(My Special LOVE)!!!!

1. niryna ( 17/09/2007 01:10)
Lasa nanao asa tany ivelany ity vadin'ny ity namako.Faly ery izy nandray taratasy avy tany amin'ny vadiny ary faly koa izy nizara ny fifaliany tamiko:D Mamy ery ny fitiavan'izy roa satria misy zavatra hifandraisany ao ka izany no manamafy orona ny tokantranony sy mampifaly azy lava.Sasatra izy mamaky ilay taratasin'olontiany foana.8)8)8).

Toy izany koa aho,faly aho manana an'i Kristy ka zaraiko aminareo izany fifaliako izany,mizara ho antsika rehetra tsy an-kanavaka aho.Mamiko kristy,tiako Izy,tsy misaraka amiko na andro na alina ny teny maminy,tsy mitsahatra misaotra Azy aho na inona mitranga,na aiza toerana misy ahy,midera sy mankalaza ny anarany aho noho ny famonjeny nomeny ahy.Tsy ho voavidiko vola ny fahasoavana azoko taminy.
-Tsy menatra aho ny hilaza fa tia Azy aho,izany no hiantsoko Azy foana,izany no hiresahiko azy foana,izany no hitantaraiko @ olona foana ny fahasoavany,ny fitiavany,ny famonjeny ahy.
-Mijoro aho satria fantatro fa ny hazofijaliana no nanafaka ahy tamin'ny fahotako.Mino izany aminao koa aho.
Nanavotra ahy Izy ary nanafaka ahy tamin'ny ziogan'ny fahotana.
-Izay rehetra nataony tamiko dia efa nataony tamin'ireo olona marobe sy mbola naniraka ny Fanahy Masina ihany koa Izy hanampy ireo izay mino Azy ka mihoatra ny nataony taminy no ataony(miely eran-tany ny mpitory Azy).
Maro ireo sitrana noho ny finoana Azy,ireo nampijalian'ny fanahy maloto ka sitrana soa aman-tsara,ireo maratra ara-batana na fanahy dia mbola nahazo hery sy tanjaka ary fanantenana ihany koa.Na ny dokotera aza dia mino sy mivavaka vao mandidy ny marary,eran-tany ny fiderana azy.
Tsy misy olona teto an-tany na iray aza nahavita izany tamiko sy taminao.
Mankasitraka sy misaotra Azy amin'ny foko manontolo aho noho ny fahasoavana nomeny ahy sy hianao ary izay mbola mitady Azy.
Jesus!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH (l)(l)(l)(l)
Ny anabavinao
niryna :*:*
novalian'i niryna ny 24/09/2007 04:14
2. niryna ( 17/09/2007 01:12)
Anaka …

Tsy fantatrao angamba Aho, anefa Izaho dia mahalala tsara anao
... Salamo 139:1

Fantatro ny fipetrakao sy ny fitsanganao... Salamo 139:2

Fantatro tsara ny halehanao rehetra... Salamo 139:3

Na ny volon-dohanao aza dia voaisako avokoa... Matio 10:29-31

Satria nahariko tahaka ny endriko ianao... Genesisy 1:27

Eo amiko no hivelomanao sy hihetsehanao ary hiainanao
... Asan'ny Apostoly 17:28

Satria terako hianao... Asan'ny Apostoly 17:28

Fantatro ianao fony ianao tsy mbola noforoniko... Jeremia 1:4-5

Notendreko ianao mba hofiderana ny voninahitro
... Efesiana 1:11-12

Tsy zava poana ianao, fa ny andro voatendry ho anao
dia voasoratra eo amin'ny bokiko . Salamo 139:15-16

Notendreko ny fotoan'andro hivelomanao sy ny faritry ny fonenanao
... Asan'ny Apostoly 17:26

Mahatahotra sy mahatalanjona ny nanaovako anao... Salamo 139:14

Izaho no namolavola anao tao an-kibon-dreninao ... Salamo 139:13

Izaho no mpiaro sy namoaka anao avy tany an- kibon-dreninao
... Salamo 71:6

Nosimban'ireo tsy nahalala ahy ny hendriko... Jaona 8:41-44

Tsy lavitra aho ary tsy tezitra, satria Izaho dia fitiavana... 1 Jaona 4:16

Ny fitiavan'ny Ray no tiako haseho anao... 1 Jaona 3:1

Satria zanako ianao ary Izaho no Rainao ... 1 Jaona 3:1

Tiako mihoatra nohon' ny fitiavan'ny rainao niteraka anao ianao
... Matio 6:7

Satria Izaho no fahantanterahan'ny Ray… Matio 5:48

Ny fanomezan-tsoa rehetra azonao dia avy aty amiko... Jakoba 1:17

Izaho no mihahy sy mikarakara ny ilainao rehetra... Matio 6:31-33

Ny fikasako ny hoavinao dia fikasana feno fanantenana hahatonga fiadanana
... Jeremia 29:11

Fa fitiavana mandrakizay no nitiavako anao... Jeremia 29:11

Ny zava-tsoa tiako homena anao dia tsy voaisa tahaka ny fasika
... Salamo 139:17-18

Hifaly eo aminao amin'ny fihobiana Aho... Zefania 3:17

Tsy hitsahatra amin'ny fahasoavako ho anao Aho... Jeremia 32:40

Satria rakitra soa ho ahy ianao... Eksodosy 19:20

Hamboly anao amin'ity tany ity amin'ny foko rehetra sy ny
fanahiko rehetra tokoa Aho... Jeremia 32:41

Hampisehoako zavatra lehibe sy saro-pantarina ianao... Jeremia 33:3

Raha hitady Ahy amin'ny fonao rehetra ianao dia hahita Ahy
... Deoteronomia 4:29

Raha miravoravo amiko ianao dia homeko anao izay hirin'ny fonao rehetra
... Salamo 37:4

Satria izaho no miasa ao anatinao nanome anao ireny faniriana ireny
... Filipiana 2:13

Fa Izaho mahay manao ny zavatra rehetra mihoatra lavitra izay heverinao
... Efesiana 3:20

Satria Izaho no manome fanantenana sy fampionona anao
... 2 Tesaloniana 2:16-17

Izaho no Rain'ny famimdrapo sy ny fampiononana amin'ny fahoriana rehetra
... 2 Korintiana 1:3-4

Akaiky anao Aho rehefa torotoro fanahy sy mangorakoraka ianao
... Salamo 34:18

Tahakan'ny mpiandry ondry mitrotro ny ondriny eo an-tratrany
no hitrotroako anao ... Isaia 40:11

Hofafako ny ranomaso rehetra amin'ny masonao... Apokalypsy 21:3-4

Ary hesoriko ny alahelo sy ny fitarainana ary ny
fanaintainana izay nahazo anao tety antany... Apokalypsy 21:3-4

Izaho no Rainao izay tia anao tahakan'ny tiavako an'i Jesosy zanako
... Jaona 17:23

Satria eo amin'ny Jesosy no nampahafantariko ny fitiavako ho anao
... Jaona 17:23

Jesosy no endriky ny tenako sy famirapiratan'ny voninahiko
... Hebreo 1:3

Tonga Izy hampiseho anao fa Izaho dia momba anao fa tsy hanohitra anao
... Romana 8:31

Ary Izy no niteny anao fa tsy nanisa ny fahadisoanao akory Aho
. .. 2 Korintiana 5:18-19

Fa maty Jesosy mba hampihavana antsika... 2 Korintiana 5:18-19

Ny nahafatesany no fampisehoako ny fitiavako lehibe anao
... 1 Jaona 4:10

Nomeko anao ny tiako rehetra mba ahazoako ny fitiavanao
... Romana 8:31-32

Raha manaiky ny fanomezan'ny Jesosy zanako ianao dia mandray Ahy
... 1 Jaona 2:23

Ary, tsy hisy hahasaraka anao amin'ny fitiavako
... Romana 8:38-39

Misy fifaliana lehibe any an-danitra ny amin'ny mpanota iray izay mibebaka
... Lioka 15:17

Izaho no tena Ray, ary ho Rainao mandrakizay... Efesiana 3:14-15

Ny fanontaniako dia... Manaiky ny ho zanako ve ianao? ... Jaona 1:12-13

Miandry anao Aho... Lioka 15:11-32

Ny Rainao izay tia anao.
Andriamanitra Tsitoha.
3. niryna ( 17/09/2007 01:16)
La Lettre d'Amour du Père

Mon Enfant,
Je regarde jusqu'au fond de ton coeur et je sais tout de toi. (Psaume 139:1)

Je sais quand tu t'assieds et quand tu te lèves. (Psaume 139:2)

Je te vois quand tu marches et quand tu te couches,
je connais parfaitement toutes tes voies. (Psaume 139:3)

Même les cheveux de ta tête sont comptés. (Matthieu 10:29-31)

Tu as été créé à mon image. (Genèse 1:27)

Je suis le mouvement, la vie et l'être. (Actes 17:28)

Je te connaissais même avant que tu sois conçu. (Jérémie 1:4-5)

Je t'ai choisi au moment de la création. (Ephésiens 1:11-12)

Tu n'étais pas une erreur. (Psaume 139:15)

Tous tes jours sont écrits dans mon livre. (Psaume 139:16)

Je détermine la durée des temps et les bornes de tes demeures. (Actes 17:26)

J'ai fait de toi une créature merveilleuse. (Psaume 139:14)

Je t'ai tissé dans le ventre de ta mère. (Psaume 139:13)

C'est moi qui t'ai fait sortir du sein de ta mère. (Psaume 71:6)

J'ai été déformé par ceux qui ne me connaissent pas. (Jean 8:41-44)

Je ne me suis pas éloigné, ni fâché, car je suis l'expression
parfaite de l'amour. (I Jean 4:16)

C'est mon amour de Père que je répands sur toi. (I Jean 3:1)

Parce que tu es mon enfant et que je suis ton Père. (1 Jean 3:1)

Je t'offre plus que ton père terrestre pourrait jamais te donner.
(Matthieu 7:11)

Car je suis le Père parfait. (Matthieu 5:48)

Toute grâce que tu reçois vient de ma main. (Jacques 1:17)

Car je suis celui qui subvient à tous tes besoins. (Matthieu 6:31-33)

Mon plan pour ton avenir est toujours rempli d'espérance.
(Jérémie 29:11)

Parce que je t'aime d'un amour éternel. (Jérémie 31:3)

Mes pensées vers toi sont innombrables comme
le sable sur le bord de la mer. (Psaume 139:17-18)

Et je me réjouis de tes louanges et de ton adoration. (Sophonie 3:17)

Je n'arrêterai jamais de te faire du bien (Jérémie 32:40)

Tu es le peuple que j'ai choisi. (Exode 19:5)

Je désire t'établir avec tout mon coeur et toute mon âme. (Jérémie 32:41)

Il est en mon pouvoir de te montrer de grandes et merveilleuses choses.
(Jérémie 33:3)

Si tu me cherches avec tout ton coeur tu me trouveras. (Deutéronome 4:29)

Fais de moi tes délices et je te donnerai ce que ton cœur désire.
(Psaume 37:4)

Car c'est moi qui t'ai donné ces désirs. (Philippiens 2:13)

Je suis capable de faire plus pour toi que tu pourrais
probablement imaginer. (Ephésiens 3:20)

Car je suis ton encouragement le plus grand.
(2 Thessaloniciens 2:16-17)

Je suis aussi le père qui te console dans tous tes ennuis.
(2 Corinthiens 1:3-4)

Quand tu cries à moi, je suis près de toi et je te délivre
de toutes tes détresses. (Psaume 34:18)

Comme un berger porte un agneau, je te porte près de mon coeur.
(Esaïe 40:11)

J'effacerai toutes larmes de tes yeux. (Apocalypse 21:3-4)

Et j'emporterai toute la douleur que tu as subie sur cette terre.
(Apocalypse 21:4)

Je suis ton père et je t'aime de la même façon que j'aime mon fils Jésus.
(Jean 17:23)

Car dans Jésus mon amour pour toi est révélé. (Jean 17:26)

Il est la représentation exacte de mon être (Hebreux 1:3)

Et Il est venu pour démontrer que je suis pour toi, pas contre toi.
(Romains 8:31)

Et te dire que je ne compte pas tes péchés. (2 Corinthiens 5:18-19)

Jésus est mort pour que toi et moi puissions être réconciliés.
(2 Corinthiens 5:18-19)

Sa mort est l'expression suprême de mon amour pour toi. (1 Jean 4:10)

J'ai renoncé à tout ce que j'aime pour gagner ton amour. (Romains 8:32)

Si tu acceptes mon fils Jésus, tu me reçois. (1 Jean 2:23)

Et rien ne te séparera de mon amour. (Romains 8:38-39)

Dans ma maison, il y a tant de joie dans le ciel devant
la repentance d'un pécheur. (Luc 15:7)

J'ai toujours été le Père et serai toujours ton Père. (Ephésiens 3:14-15)

Ma question est ... veux-tu être mon enfant ? (Jean 1:12-13)

Je t'attends. (Luc 15:11-32)

Ton Père qui t'aime
Dieu tout puissant
4. niryna ( 17/09/2007 01:29)

My Child,

You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1

I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2

I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31

For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27

In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28

For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28

I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5

I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12

You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16

I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44

I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1

Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1

I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11

For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48

Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40

For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5

I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41

And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3

If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29

Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13

I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20

For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18

As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23

For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26

He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3

He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31

And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10

I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32

If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23

And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7

I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15

My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13

I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32

Love, Your Dad.
5. cutie ( 17/09/2007 02:03)
Mpandefa : niryna [ Valio ] 17-09-2007 03:10:44
Lohateny : Fitiavana Sarobidy/(My Special LOVE)!!!!
Lasa nanao asa tany ivelany ity vadin'ny ity namako.Faly ery izy nandray taratasy avy tany amin'ny vadiny ary faly koa izy nizara ny fifaliany tamiko Mamy ery ny fitiavan'izy roa satria misy zavatra hifandraisany ao ka izany no manamafy orona ny tokantranony sy mampifaly azy lava.Sasatra izy mamaky ilay taratasin'olontiany foana..

Toy izany koa aho,faly aho manana an'i Kristy ka zaraiko aminareo izany fifaliako izany,mizara ho antsika rehetra tsy an-kanavaka aho.Mamiko kristy,tiako Izy,tsy misaraka amiko na andro na alina ny teny maminy,tsy mitsahatra misaotra Azy aho na inona mitranga,na aiza toerana misy ahy,midera sy mankalaza ny anarany aho noho ny famonjeny nomeny ahy.Tsy ho voavidiko vola ny fahasoavana azoko taminy.
-Tsy menatra aho ny hilaza fa tia Azy aho,izany no hiantsoko Azy foana,izany no hiresahiko azy foana,izany no hitantaraiko @ olona foana ny fahasoavany,ny fitiavany,ny famonjeny ahy.
-Mijoro aho satria fantatro fa ny hazofijaliana no nanafaka ahy tamin'ny fahotako.Mino izany aminao koa aho.
Nanavotra ahy Izy ary nanafaka ahy tamin'ny ziogan'ny fahotana.
-Izay rehetra nataony tamiko dia efa nataony tamin'ireo olona marobe sy mbola naniraka ny Fanahy Masina ihany koa Izy hanampy ireo izay mino Azy ka mihoatra ny nataony taminy no ataony(miely eran-tany ny mpitory Azy).
Maro ireo sitrana noho ny finoana Azy,ireo nampijalian'ny fanahy maloto ka sitrana soa aman-tsara,ireo maratra ara-batana na fanahy dia mbola nahazo hery sy tanjaka ary fanantenana ihany koa.Na ny dokotera aza dia mino sy mivavaka vao mandidy ny marary,eran-tany ny fiderana azy.
Tsy misy olona teto an-tany na iray aza nahavita izany tamiko sy taminao.
Mankasitraka sy misaotra Azy amin'ny foko manontolo aho noho ny fahasoavana nomeny ahy sy hianao ary izay mbola mitady Azy.
Ny anabavinao

Sambatra njy ry nyrina
peace be with you :lol::lol::lol::lol:
6. ikaretsaka ( 17/09/2007 02:52)
-Mijoro aho satria fantatro fa ny hazofijaliana no nanafaka ahy tamin\'ny fahotako.Mino izany aminao koa aho.

(Sombiny nalaina t@ Blaogiko)

Mijoro eto ambany Hazofijalianao indray aho ity ry Jesoako
Ankina aho mijery anao sy ny ratranao sy ianao mijery ahy avy eny ambony eny!
Vetiventesina fa maty noho ny otanay ianao ... ota ve fa tsy fitiavana? tena marina ilay teninao hoe \"tsy misy fitiavana lehibe indrindra...\"
Tsy mendrika ny ho eto akory aho aho, fa mba raiso ho toy ireo miaramila Romanina tsy tia anao nefa navelanao ho teo ambaninao namantsika anao kanjo latsa bava ny momba anao aho
navelanao ny otanay Jesoa, misaotra anao...
izany fotsiny ve ny ijoroako? eto :roll: dia mahazo mbola manota izany fa efa hafaky ny lakroa,ianao maty eo dia izahay mahazo nanota?
menatra aho raha izany, fantatro fa tsy novitainao teo ny tantara...tsy hoe maty ianao dia izay!

Mijoro aho satria nitsangana t@ maty ianao ry Jesoa, ary fantatro fa ao anatiko ianao no mitoetra, fa tsy variana tany am-pasana tany na lasa kitoza teo @ lakroa sy any alavitra be tsy takatro tany!

Mijoro aho satria nomenao ahy ny fahatsapan-tena iaikeko hoe olombelona ihany anie aho ity, tsy tonga lafatra na itoeranao aza,\"tsy mendrika ny idiranao ato amiko aho\", nefa nidiranao. dia amin\'izay maha tempolinao ahy izay no mahatonga ahy hiezaka mba hampadio ilay tempoly, miaiky koa aho tsy vitako irery anefa izany fandiovana ny tempolintsika izany, ary mety haloton\'ny vovoka foana, nefa fantatro fa tianao sy ampianao aho mba handio izany!ho mendrika anao!

Mijoro aho , satria nantsoinao, sy nasainao nanolotra izany tebitebin-tsaina sy ahiahim-poko izany aminao, dia mbola hirahinao koa ve?...dia mbola atokisanao koa ve?
Ndao ary, tantano aho, haiko fa ato amiko mandrakariva ianao.
Tsy Ao fotsiny ianao, tsy Eo fotsiny ianao, fa ATO!
eny ATO anatiko ATO! ary ITO AMBAVAKO ITO!

tsy noho izaho tia Anao, fa noho ianao tia Ahy!
( jereo any @ Blaogiko.. resaka mangina amin\'Andriamanitra, colloquy)
7. niryna ( 17/09/2007 03:03)

-Mijoro aho satria fantatro fa ny hazofijaliana no nanafaka ahy tamin\'ny fahotako.Mino izany aminao koa aho.

(Sombiny nalaina t@ Blaogiko)

Mijoro eto ambany Hazofijalianao indray aho ity ry Jesoako
Ankina aho mijery anao sy ny ratranao sy ianao mijery ahy avy eny ambony eny!
Vetiventesina fa maty noho ny otanay ianao ... ota ve fa tsy fitiavana? tena marina ilay teninao hoe \"tsy misy fitiavana lehibe indrindra...\"
Tsy mendrika ny ho eto akory aho aho, fa mba raiso ho toy ireo miaramila Romanina tsy tia anao nefa navelanao ho teo ambaninao namantsika anao kanjo latsa bava ny momba anao aho
navelanao ny otanay Jesoa, misaotra anao...
izany fotsiny ve ny ijoroako? eto :roll: dia mahazo mbola manota izany fa efa hafaky ny lakroa,ianao maty eo dia izahay mahazo nanota?
menatra aho raha izany, fantatro fa tsy novitainao teo ny tantara...tsy hoe maty ianao dia izay!

Mijoro aho satria nitsangana t@ maty ianao ry Jesoa, ary fantatro fa ao anatiko ianao no mitoetra, fa tsy variana tany am-pasana tany na lasa kitoza teo @ lakroa sy any alavitra be tsy takatro tany!

Mijoro aho satria nomenao ahy ny fahatsapan-tena iaikeko hoe olombelona ihany anie aho ity, tsy tonga lafatra na itoeranao aza,\"tsy mendrika ny idiranao ato amiko aho\", nefa nidiranao. dia amin\'izay maha tempolinao ahy izay no mahatonga ahy hiezaka mba hampadio ilay tempoly, miaiky koa aho tsy vitako irery anefa izany fandiovana ny tempolintsika izany, ary mety haloton\'ny vovoka foana, nefa fantatro fa tianao sy ampianao aho mba handio izany!ho mendrika anao!

Mijoro aho , satria nantsoinao, sy nasainao nanolotra izany tebitebin-tsaina sy ahiahim-poko izany aminao, dia mbola hirahinao koa ve?...dia mbola atokisanao koa ve?
Ndao ary, tantano aho, haiko fa ato amiko mandrakariva ianao.
Tsy Ao fotsiny ianao, tsy Eo fotsiny ianao, fa ATO!
eny ATO anatiko ATO! ary ITO AMBAVAKO ITO!

tsy noho izaho tia Anao, fa noho ianao tia Ahy!
( jereo any @ Blaogiko.. resaka mangina amin\'Andriamanitra, colloquy)

Dia arabaina izany hianao fa mijoro miaraka amiko koa.
8. niryna ( 17/09/2007 03:05)

Mpandefa : niryna [ Valio ] 17-09-2007 03:10:44
Lohateny : Fitiavana Sarobidy/(My Special LOVE)!!!!
Lasa nanao asa tany ivelany ity vadin'ny ity namako.Faly ery izy nandray taratasy avy tany amin'ny vadiny ary faly koa izy nizara ny fifaliany tamiko Mamy ery ny fitiavan'izy roa satria misy zavatra hifandraisany ao ka izany no manamafy orona ny tokantranony sy mampifaly azy lava.Sasatra izy mamaky ilay taratasin'olontiany foana..

Toy izany koa aho,faly aho manana an'i Kristy ka zaraiko aminareo izany fifaliako izany,mizara ho antsika rehetra tsy an-kanavaka aho.Mamiko kristy,tiako Izy,tsy misaraka amiko na andro na alina ny teny maminy,tsy mitsahatra misaotra Azy aho na inona mitranga,na aiza toerana misy ahy,midera sy mankalaza ny anarany aho noho ny famonjeny nomeny ahy.Tsy ho voavidiko vola ny fahasoavana azoko taminy.
-Tsy menatra aho ny hilaza fa tia Azy aho,izany no hiantsoko Azy foana,izany no hiresahiko azy foana,izany no hitantaraiko @ olona foana ny fahasoavany,ny fitiavany,ny famonjeny ahy.
-Mijoro aho satria fantatro fa ny hazofijaliana no nanafaka ahy tamin'ny fahotako.Mino izany aminao koa aho.
Nanavotra ahy Izy ary nanafaka ahy tamin'ny ziogan'ny fahotana.
-Izay rehetra nataony tamiko dia efa nataony tamin'ireo olona marobe sy mbola naniraka ny Fanahy Masina ihany koa Izy hanampy ireo izay mino Azy ka mihoatra ny nataony taminy no ataony(miely eran-tany ny mpitory Azy).
Maro ireo sitrana noho ny finoana Azy,ireo nampijalian'ny fanahy maloto ka sitrana soa aman-tsara,ireo maratra ara-batana na fanahy dia mbola nahazo hery sy tanjaka ary fanantenana ihany koa.Na ny dokotera aza dia mino sy mivavaka vao mandidy ny marary,eran-tany ny fiderana azy.
Tsy misy olona teto an-tany na iray aza nahavita izany tamiko sy taminao.
Mankasitraka sy misaotra Azy amin'ny foko manontolo aho noho ny fahasoavana nomeny ahy sy hianao ary izay mbola mitady Azy.
Ny anabavinao

Sambatra njy ry nyrina
peace be with you :lol::lol::lol::lol:

misaotra aky a,tsy izaho irery no sambatra fa izay miaraka aminy ka.Hianao koa dia anisan'izany.Ireny fanontaniana ataonao ireny dia efa hezaka lehibe sady mahafinaritra no manome hery sy fanahy ho an'izay mitady azy.Mazoto hatrany :*
9. niryna ( 17/09/2007 03:19)


Lohateny : Re : Ny tenin'Atra dia toy ny fitaratra.Ahoana izany?

Hoy i niryna:

The Rosary is Blasphemy Against God!

The rosary is a damnable heresy, nowhere taught in the Word of God. I am saddened that so many people have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the damnable teachings of the Roman Catholic religion. I say "damnable teachings" because they are NOT based upon the Bible, but rather upon traditions and superstitious fairytales (like Fatima). The following GREEN paragraph is from Jereo eto titled "The Fifteen Promises of the Rosary." I am going to refute these lies with the Bible, my responses will be in bold white type.

The Fifteen Promises of the Rosary

Our Lady made these promises to Christians who faithfully pray the Rosary:

1. To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.

It sounds great, but what is the "special protection" and what are the "great graces." Talk is cheap, you've got to tell us more than that. And what's with the "my Rosary" deal? If the rosary belongs to Mary, where does God fit into the picture? From all the time I have spent dissecting the Catholic religion, one thing is very clear to me...Roman Catholics are utterly consumed in mind, body, and spirit with the "blessed virgin Mary" while Jesus Christ is ignored. I triple dog dare you to watch any Catholic worship service and you'll see Mary exalted to the heavens, but what does the Bible say concerning this heathen practice? The Bible declares...

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" -Philippians 2:9,10

Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is Mary, Mary, Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name...

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some special grace.

There is absolutely nothing in the Bible teaching such foolishness. God never instructs us to recite anything; on the contrary, God condemns such practices...

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do..." -Matthew 6:7

Catholicism is as heathen as can be! I recently watched a bunch of nuns chanting the rosary on EWTN (the Eternal Word Television Network for Catholics). They just kept chanting...

Mary, Queen of Heaven...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of all saints...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of angels...we pray to thee

Mary, Queen of the holy rosary...we pray to thee

And so lasted for several minutes.

Ironically, I frequently get e-mails from Catholics adamantly denying that they pray to Mary. What? Then what do you call the above chants? The nuns were reciting over and over...Mary, Queen of ____...we pray to thee." They are indeed praying to Mary, wickedly so!

Folks, please do NOT be deceived by the devil, Roman Catholicism is straight out of the pits of hell. Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to heaven, not the blessed virgin Mary. Furthermore, Mary did not remain a virgin (contrary to the perpetual virginity teachings of the Catholic religion). Please don't be deceived by the double-talk of Catholics. In one breath they admit that Mary is not the way to heaven, yet as you will read in promise # 5 below, they do teach that praying the rosary to Mary guarantees heaven. God does not play Word Games like Catholics do; God said what He meant, and we had better listen to Him or else. Romans 3:4 declares, "... let God be true, but every man a liar..."

3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy.

What a bunch of lies! Do you really believe that counting 59 beads and a cross on a rosary is going to accomplish anything other than wasting your time? Jesus never taught any such nonsense. The Bible never teaches us to count beads or pray a rosary. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught us how to pray...

"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

Jesus said, "After this manner therefore pray ye..." Jesus didn't tell us exactly what to pray, but He taught us in what "manner" to pray. I don't see anything about a hail Mary in there. God wants us to adore Him, to worship His good and perfect name. God wants us to seek the kingdom of God first (Matthew 6:33), and God's will in our life. God wants us to be repentant, humble, and forgiving of others. God wants us to pray to avoid temptation (to walk in the Spirit). God wants us to brag on Him and boast about His greatness and power. If you boil this prayer all down into simplest form, you basically have 2 things:

God is everything, and we desperately need God.

Roman Catholics foolishly and sinfully ADD Mary to the list. God will NOT accept any worship that includes Mary or anyone else.

Also, praying the rosary can't dispel heresy because it is heresy itself. The Bible teaches that heresy is exposed by shining the light of God's Word upon the darkness (Psalm 119:105). The Bible is a "lamp" unto our feet to light the path. God's Holy Spirit is our guide to "guide us into all truth" (John 16:13). If a doctrine doesn't fit within the parameters of the Bible, then it is heresy! If you don't like this, then it is only because you do NOT believe the Bible. Praying the rosary will do nothing but waste your time and upset God.

4. The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

I dare you to show me any of the above claims from the Bible. The Bible teaches in John 17:17, " Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." It is the Word of God that sanctifies us (sets us apart "from" the world and "to" God). Catholicism elevates the rosary above the Word of God. The rosary cannot sanctify you. How can you be sanctified by repeating a bunch of vain repetitions? The term "hail Mary" is NOT even mentioned once in the Bible! Not once! Think about it.

5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.

This is one of the most blasphemous statements I've read. The Catholic religion teaches that those who trust MARY through the ROSARY will not perish. That's a dirty lie of the devil. The Bible proclaims...

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16

You can pray a million rosaries and trust Our Lady of Fatima (Mary) with all your heart, but you WILL go straight to hell when you die and face the judgments of God. God sent His Son into the world to pay the price, the ransom, for our many sins. Jesus Christ has made salvation available to all men, all you need to do is to forsake your false religion, and place 100% of your faith in Christ alone, not the Great Whore of Catholicism. By the way, Mary (Jesus' mother) is not the great Whore, Mary of the Roman catholic church is the Great Whore. Roman Catholicism has created a MONSTER out of Mary that is all a big lie. False doctrines such as "the assumption of Mary, "the "Immaculate Conception of Mary," and Mary's "Perpetual Virginity" are fictitious lies of the devil nowhere found in the Bible.

6. Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune. He will not experience the anger of God nor will he perish by an unprovided death. The sinner will be converted; the just will persevere in grace and merit eternal life.

Wow! Talk about a flame-broiled whopper! This is extreme Catholic blasphemy against a Holy God. No sinner will ever be converted by reciting the rosary! The ONLY hope of salvation is through Jesus Christ ALONE...

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." -John 6:40

Io izany misy articles milaza ny fanazavana fa maninona no manohitra an'Atra ny fampiasana ny rosary.



Lohateny : Re : Ny tenin'Atra dia toy ny fitaratra.Ahoana izany?[/b]

Toa mitovy ny lohateniko koa ny anao?
Toa lasa mitovy koa isika eto:roll::idea:
novalian'i niryna ny 24/09/2007 15:15
10. piste ( 17/09/2007 07:19)
Ohatry ny mampihomehy no mahagaga indraindray ny zavatra voasoratr\\\'i Niryna. Rehefa avy manao tora-po lava be fa tia an\\\'i Jesoa ianao no tiany mampalahelo fa dia mamarana izany @ fanaratsiana ny Rozery indray !!! Izany hoe: rehefa midera ny Zanany dia manompa ny Reniny indray !!!
Rehefa avy midera an\\\'Andriamanitra dia manome fanafitohina ny mpiara-belona aminao.
Tsy tsapanao ve fa misy zavatra tsy mitohaka na mifanohitra akory izay voalazanao

Ary ilaina eto ve ireo litania na tora-po lava be lazainao ireo. Sao dia any am-piangonanareo no tokony hanaovana izany. Sao dia tsy toy izao no fijoroana vavolombelona takian\\\'ny Tompo aminao fa ny fahaiza-mihaino ny hevitry ny hafa sy manaja ny Finoan\\\'ny sasany.

Ary averiko indray fa aza mba miditra @ resaka Doctrine ny sasany izany fa mampifanditra mandrakariva io. Satria miteraka fanafitohinana.
Ianao tsy miaina izay inoako akory dia @ fomba ahoana no hi-condamner-nao ny finoako. Ary raha blasppheme contre Dieu io dia efa tsy nisy Fiangonana Katolika nijoro intsony hatr@ izao. Ary tsy nisy fahasoavana azo t@ io intsony.

Koa aza sarahinao ny olombelona sy Andriamanitra : mpandainga izay milaza azy ho tia an\\\'Andriamanitra nefa tsy manaja ny hafa manodidina azy akory. Ireo namany tsy hitany maso aza tsy hajaina mainka fa izay tsy hitany maso .
11. piste ( 17/09/2007 07:31)
Ohatry ny mampihomehy no mahagaga indraindray ny zavatra voasoratr\'i Niryna. Rehefa avy manao tora-po lava be fa tia an\'i Jesoa ianao no tiany mampalahelo fa dia mamarana izany @ fanaratsiana ny Rozery indray !!! Izany hoe: rehefa midera ny Zanany dia manompa ny Reniny indray !!!
Rehefa avy midera an\'Andriamanitra dia manome fanafitohina ny mpiara-belona aminao.
Tsy tsapanao ve fa misy zavatra tsy mitohaka na mifanohitra akory izay voalazanao

Ary ilaina eto ve ireo litania na tora-po lava be lazainao ireo. Sao dia any am-piangonanareo no tokony hanaovana izany. Sao dia tsy toy izao no fijoroana vavolombelona takian\'ny Tompo aminao fa ny fahaiza-mihaino ny hevitry ny hafa sy manaja ny Finoan\'ny sasany.

Ary averiko indray fa aza mba miditra @ resaka Doctrine ny sasany izany fa mampifanditra mandrakariva io. Satria miteraka fanafitohinana.
Ianao tsy miaina izay inoako akory dia @ fomba ahoana no hi-condamner-nao ny finoako. Ary raha blasppheme contre Dieu io dia efa tsy nisy Fiangonana Katolika nijoro intsony hatr@ izao. Ary tsy nisy fahasoavana azo t@ io intsony.

Koa aza sarahinao ny olombelona sy Andriamanitra : mpandainga izay milaza azy ho tia an\'Andriamanitra nefa tsy manaja ny hafa manodidina azy akory. Ireo namany tsy hitany maso aza tsy hajaina mainka fa izay tsy hitany maso .
12. piste ( 17/09/2007 07:31)
Ohatry ny mampihomehy no mahagaga indraindray ny zavatra voasoratr'i Niryna. Rehefa avy manao tora-po lava be fa tia an'i Jesoa ianao no tiany mampalahelo fa dia mamarana izany @ fanaratsiana ny Rozery indray !!! Izany hoe: rehefa midera ny Zanany dia manompa ny Reniny indray !!!
Rehefa avy midera an'Andriamanitra dia manome fanafitohina ny mpiara-belona aminao.
Tsy tsapanao ve fa misy zavatra tsy mitohaka na mifanohitra akory izay voalazanao

Ary ilaina eto ve ireo litania na tora-po lava be lazainao ireo. Sao dia any am-piangonanareo no tokony hanaovana izany. Sao dia tsy toy izao no fijoroana vavolombelona takian'ny Tompo aminao fa ny fahaiza-mihaino ny hevitry ny hafa sy manaja ny Finoan'ny sasany.

Ary averiko indray fa aza mba miditra @ resaka Doctrine ny sasany izany fa mampifanditra mandrakariva io. Satria miteraka fanafitohinana.
Ianao tsy miaina izay inoako akory dia @ fomba ahoana no hi-condamner-nao ny finoako. Ary raha blasppheme contre Dieu io dia efa tsy nisy Fiangonana Katolika nijoro intsony hatr@ izao. Ary tsy nisy fahasoavana azo t@ io intsony.

Koa aza sarahinao ny olombelona sy Andriamanitra : mpandainga izay milaza azy ho tia an'Andriamanitra nefa tsy manaja ny hafa manodidina azy akory. Ireo namany tsy hitany maso aza tsy hajaina mainka fa izay tsy hitany maso .
13. Papoose ( 17/09/2007 09:53)
amiko, mazava zany fa i Jesus le special love-ny de mety hoe screw the rest angambany!

Fa mahafinaritra ahy le temoaniazy ry zareo a!:D
14. diamondra27 ( 17/09/2007 11:14)
ao @ top Xtien jerena
"Dieu t'aime"
15. ikaretsaka ( 17/09/2007 11:19)
niverenako nojerena sy nampitoviana ny zavatra nataontsika sy niryna dia hitako fa samihafa be ka.. tsy mitovy izany mihitsy

"Ravao ity tempoly ity, fa izahako hanangana Azy ao anatin'ny 3 andro"

Ny anao mbola eo @ le "Rava ny tempoly" (dia notovananao hoe noho ny ota) ekena!

fa ny ahy efa lasa any @ ilay "tafatsangana indray" (noho i jesoa nitsangana sy nanangana ary nanorina azy sy nanova ny fototra ho teo ambony Sefasy/piera/vato,) ary mandrak'izao, ka mba mitondra ny mba anjara fotako aho hanampiana ilay rihitra hanaovana ny biriky!
16. cutie ( 17/09/2007 13:10)
misaotra aky a,tsy izaho irery no sambatra fa izay miaraka aminy ka.Hianao koa dia anisan'izany.Ireny fanontaniana ataonao ireny dia efa hezaka lehibe sady mahafinaritra no manome hery sy fanahy ho an'izay mitady azy.Mazoto hatrany

misaotra ry nyrina fa efa mamelombelona ny fanahiko zany a :-D:lol:8):P
17. fahamarinana ( 17/09/2007 14:01)

ao @ top Xtien jerena
"Dieu t'aime"

:arrow:Miditra top xien,avy eo connaitre dia miditra lettre d'amour sady misy sary tsara be koa.(l)

18. cutie ( 17/09/2007 14:31)
Mpandefa : Papoose [ Valio ] 17-09-2007 11:53:37
Lohateny : Re : Fitiavana Sarobidy/(My Special LOVE)!!!!
amiko, mazava zany fa i Jesus le special love-ny de mety hoe screw the rest angambany

ohtran'ny fitiavan-tena be ihany zany a :-D:-D:-D:-D
19. ikaretsaka ( 17/09/2007 15:26)
ka izay hono koa.. izay tiana sy azoazo sy mahafinarinaritra ny saina amin'ny finoana ihany no raidraisina (araka ny fihevitry ny "mpino sasany io an)
dia screw the rest:roll::-D
20. diamondra27 ( 17/09/2007 15:40)
fahamarinana : ity re le izy e

an-tsary sy mozika

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