Misy anarana maro iantsoana an'Atra (+30 )Inona no antony?

1. niryna ( 06/08/2007 04:07)
Raha mandinika ao anaty baiboly isika dia misy anarana maro samihafa iantsoina an'Atra.

1- Fa maninona Atra no manana anarana maro? Inona no antony?

2-Iza no antsoinao Azy?
Raha mahita ao anaty baiboly moa ianao vao maika tsara fa hanome hery ny hafa tokoa izany.

Jehovah,Mpamela( heloka),Mpanasitrana(ny aretina), Mpanavotra (ny aina tsy ho very any amin'ny helo.

Misaora an'i Jehovah, ry fanahiko;Ary aza misy hadinoinao ny fitahiany rehetra,Izay mamela ny helokao rehetra,Izay manasitrana ny aretinao rehetra,Izay manavotra ny ainao tsy hidina any an-davaka... Sal 103:2-4

répondu par niryna le 10/08/2007 05:42
2. Rasiligaoma ( 06/08/2007 04:33)
99.. dia ianao no maha 100 azy:
ireto avy
The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
The Sovereign Lord The Holy
The Source of Peace The Reason of Faith
The Protector The All Mighty
The compeller The Majestic
The Creator The Evolver
The Fashioner The Forgiver
The Subduer The Bestower
The Provider The Opener
The All Knowing The Constrictor
The Expander The Exalter
The Honorer The Dishonorer
The All Hearing The All Seeing
The Judge The Most Just
The Subtle One The Aware
The Forbearing One The Great One
The All Forgiving The Appreciative
The Most High The Most Great
The Preserver The Maintainer
The Reckoner The Sublime One
The Generous One The Watchful
The Responsive The All Embracing
The All Wise The Loving
The Most Glorious One
The Resurrector The Witness
The Truth The Trustee
The Most Strong
The Firm One The Protecting Friend
The Praiseworthy
The Calculating
The Originator
The Restorer
The Giver of Life
The Creator of Death
The Alive
The Self-Subsisting
The Finder
The Noble
The Unique
The One
The Eternal
The Able
The Powerful
The Expediter
The Delayer
The First
The Last
The Manifest
The Hidden
The Governor
The Most Exalted
The Source of Goodness
The Acceptor of Repentance
The Pardoner
The Compassionate
The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty
The Lord of Majesty and Beauty
The Equitable
The Gatherer
The Self-Sufficient
The Enricher
The Preventer
The Distresser
The Propitious
The Light
The Guide
The Incomparable
The Everlasting
The Supreme Inheritor
The Guide to the Right Path
The Patient
3. Rasiligaoma ( 06/08/2007 04:37)
Tsy Misaora an'i Jehovah, ry fanahiko fa
"Misaora ny TOMPO ry fanahiko"
izany hono rehefa eto!
serasera eto fa tsy fiangonanareo, ary tsy mitovy finoana aminareo daholo ny olona!
io no Anarana nifanarahana fa iantsoana Azy!
4. LazaDaddy ( 06/08/2007 04:45)
Misaora an'i Jehovah ry fanahiko, ary izay rehetra ato anatiko misaora ny Anarany masina!
5. Rasiligaoma ( 06/08/2007 04:53)
tompo sa Jehovah..
Hiray finoana sy hitabataba fa finoana iray sa hanao be doika hoe jehovah dia hisaraka foana?
6. Fiffi ( 06/08/2007 05:08)
Jehovah,Mpamela( heloka),Mpanasitrana(ny aretina), Mpanavotra (ny aina tsy ho very any amin'ny helo.
Tsy Misaora an'i Jehovah, ry fanahiko fa
"Misaora ny TOMPO ry fanahiko"
Misaora an'i Jehovah ry fanahiko, ary izay rehetra ato anatiko misaora ny Anarany masina!
Ataoko fa tsy zava-baovao aminao ary fantatrao tsara fa tsy "Tompo" velively ny dikan'ny hoe "Adonai".
Raha zavatra kely fotsiny toa io aza dia efa tsy vitan'ny sasany ny manaraka azy, mbola tsisy resaka votoatim-pampianarana sns, vao mainka fa hoe tena mikasika ny finoana?
7. Fiffi ( 06/08/2007 05:09)
8. Rasiligaoma ( 06/08/2007 05:15)
ny tsy azoko dia ireo mpanao hoe ilay hoe1 ihany eeee zao eee. nefa ireny indrindra avy eo no tsy manaiky rehefa hoe andao ary hanao ezaka hahatonga ilay izy ho iray.. :roll:
9. LazaDaddy ( 06/08/2007 06:04)
Raha mety mahatohina ny sasany ny fanononana ny anaran'i Jehovah, aiza ny "tolerance" dradraina isan'andro? :)
10. Fiffi ( 06/08/2007 06:17)
nga hoe mahatohina ? fa rehefa hoe tsy io de tsy io koh ! tsy hitako zay hidiran'tolérance am-zany.....

heu....raha ohatra hoe lazaina i Laza hoe tsy fihinana io de mbola mi-insite hiany ve hoe fihinana io ?
11. ikaretsaka ( 06/08/2007 06:22)
ka izay indrindra.. ilay "tolerant" efa mametraka ny zavatra tokony atao izany
ilay mangataka "tolerance" tsy manao !
dia tsy hay intsony hoe avy aiza ilay izy!

Efa nifanarahana tsara izao fa Tompo sy Jesoa no atao (jereo ny hafatr'i hery momba ny DIEM atsy ambadika atsy)

Ny tolerant manao hoe eny ary eeeee ndao ary fa izay izany ko...ary niezaka ry zareo .. Avy any @ Zezo sy ny Iaveh izy nifindra tany @ Jesoa sy ny Tompo... Ezaka izany fa vitany tsara mihitsy
fa ilay mitady tolerance manao hoe tsiaaaaaaa, vao vita ny nifanakena! Jesosy sy Jehova ihany
Dia ahoana @ izay?
Fac ut vivas
Tompoko sy Andriamanitro:roll:
12. LazaDaddy ( 06/08/2007 06:22)
nga hoe mahatohina?
Eny! Tena misy tohina sy tezitra manao teny tsy voahevitra mihitsy io ambony io :)
serasera eto fa tsy fiangonanareo, ary tsy mitovy finoana aminareo daholo ny olona!
13. ikaretsaka ( 06/08/2007 06:37)
iza no tohina?
ka tsy marina ve io voalaza io, sa eto koa i Laza no miangona?
14. maingoka ( 06/08/2007 09:08)
Ilay sujet eto angamba dia momba ireo karazana anarana iantsoana an'Atra ao amin'ny Baiboly fa tsy ny anarana nifanarahan'ny sain'olombelona apetaka amin'Atra. Zava-misy io ary tsy adalan'ny teôlôjiana ny mandinika ny harena miafina ao ambadik'ireo anarana samihafa ireo. Mety misy fanahy mpanohatra koa angamba ato amin'ity lohateny ity. Koa aleo rohahina amin'ny anaran'i Jesosy avy any Nazareta izany tsy hanam-pahefana eto intsony.
15. tywa68 ( 06/08/2007 09:39)
Misy anarana betsaka fa ny efa nifanarahana mba hampifanatonan'ireo milaza rehetra fa kristiana dia i Jesoa Tompo.

Ho fampisehoana fa te handroso @izany firaisam-pinoana izany dia io fiantsoana nifanarahana io no tsara ampiasaina eto, ho an'ny namana rehetra :lol:.

Zay te-hanohy ny fiantsoany taloha d midika fa tsy mbola zatra na tsy mafàna fò @ilay firaisam-pinoana. Antenaiko fa tsy fandrangitana akory no hanohizany an'izany ...

Ny Tompo anie hitantana antsika rehetra @izany :-*
16. ikaretsaka ( 06/08/2007 15:29)
17. niryna ( 07/08/2007 04:05)

99.. dia ianao no maha 100 azy:
ireto avy
The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
The Sovereign Lord The Holy
The Source of Peace The Reason of Faith
The Protector The All Mighty
The compeller The Majestic
The Creator The Evolver
The Fashioner The Forgiver
The Subduer The Bestower
The Provider The Opener
The All Knowing The Constrictor
The Expander The Exalter
The Honorer The Dishonorer
The All Hearing The All Seeing
The Judge The Most Just
The Subtle One The Aware
The Forbearing One The Great One
The All Forgiving The Appreciative
The Most High The Most Great
The Preserver The Maintainer
The Reckoner The Sublime One
The Generous One The Watchful
The Responsive The All Embracing
The All Wise The Loving
The Most Glorious One
The Resurrector The Witness
The Truth The Trustee
The Most Strong
The Firm One The Protecting Friend
The Praiseworthy
The Calculating
The Originator
The Restorer
The Giver of Life
The Creator of Death
The Alive
The Self-Subsisting
The Finder
The Noble
The Unique
The One
The Eternal
The Able
The Powerful
The Expediter
The Delayer
The First
The Last
The Manifest
The Hidden
The Governor
The Most Exalted
The Source of Goodness
The Acceptor of Repentance
The Pardoner
The Compassionate
The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty
The Lord of Majesty and Beauty
The Equitable
The Gatherer
The Self-Sufficient
The Enricher
The Preventer
The Distresser
The Propitious
The Light
The Guide
The Incomparable
The Everlasting
The Supreme Inheritor
The Guide to the Right Path
The Patient

18. niryna ( 07/08/2007 04:06)
Misaotra anao aho Rasiligaoma:D
19. niryna ( 07/08/2007 04:12)

Raha mandinika ao anaty baiboly isika dia misy anarana maro samihafa iantsoina an'Atra.

1- Fa maninona Atra no manana anarana maro? Inona no antony?

Maro ny anarana hiantsoana an'Atra satria maro ny olana mahazo ny olona ka na inona na inona izany dia afaka antsoina sy hivavahana Izy,fa hanampy tokoa raha mino Azy tanteraka.:D
20. niryna ( 07/08/2007 04:22)
Maro ny anarana iantsoana Azy satria maro ny zavatra ilain'ny olony (His people have so many needs)
Raha mahatoky Azy tokoa dia ataony tanteraka izany.
Ny atao fotsiny dia miatrika ny zavatra mitranga ary miresaka tsotra aminy na aiza no misy anao, na inona mitranga fa maheno Izy.
Antsoy Aho ,dia hovaliako hianao Ka hampisehoako zavatra lehibe sy saropantarina izay tsy fantatrao Jeremia 33: 3-4
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