ahoana no fahitanareo an'ity ?

21. tywa68 ( 28/09/2007 10:14)
fiffi : ny tsy fandefasana azy hono ny mampisy loza : hoy ny minomino foana ! izaho aloha tsy mino, ary tsy mandefa @iza n'iza ! :lol:

hery : ka zara aza nisy an'io hamerenana fa devoly sns... comme d'hab.:lol:
22. Fiffi ( 28/09/2007 10:56)
majesty , niryna: tsy hoe mino an'io kalou zah an ! toundé fatako kalou fa hoax le izy....fa ny zavatra nanintona ny saiko hoa de le filazana azy hoe "Image sacrée et miraculeuse"

heu..satria amiko zany hoe sacrée sy miraculeuse zany de ny tantaran'fianan'i Jesoa;...ohatra le miracle nataony tao cana na le jamba nahita sns....
23. bozyboleta ( 28/09/2007 12:04)
24. ikaretsaka ( 28/09/2007 14:05)
enao sy ny conscience anao io e..
raha mino matoatoa ianao dia mety hisehoan'ny matoatoa, raha mino lolopaty ianao dia misy lolopaty be tsy matahotra olona (hoy i bekoto izay)
fa mino aho fa tsy fampitahorana kosa no tokony ho hevitra fonosina fa fitiavana!
satria tsy izany A/tra fa fitiavana

25. tywa68 ( 28/09/2007 14:51)
Ika : ahoana hoy i soanja izay :-D
26. ikaretsaka ( 28/09/2007 14:55)
27. fijo ( 28/09/2007 20:14)
hery an,tena tsy tandroka ve io??????sa optika fotsiny?hi hi hi samy manana ny fijeriny marina io,fa amiko aloh adia sarina vehivavy vazaha mody manjombona.
28. pissoa ( 28/09/2007 20:42)
misy mahita tandroka n'aiza n'aiza

29. fijo ( 28/09/2007 20:46)
ka jereo kosa io ambany io ko.
30. pissoa ( 28/09/2007 21:02)
31. fijo ( 28/09/2007 21:08)
sady tandroka mainty be.avy dia devoly anie hono raha vao mainty e
32. ikaretsaka ( 28/09/2007 22:24)
tsy tandroka io ry fijo an
ireto ny fanazavana azy

(azafady fa nalaiko t@ notes-ko fa adikako rehefa manam-potoana aho!:oops:)

The Image of Our Lady is actually an Aztec Pictograph which was read and understood quickly by the Aztec Indians.

1. THE LADY STOOD IN FRONT OF THE SUN — She was greater than their dreaded sun-god "Huitzilopochtli".

2. HER FOOT RESTED ON THE CRESCENT MOON — She had clearly vanquished their foremost deity, the feather serpent "Quetzalcoatl".

3. THE STARS STREWN ACROSS THE MANTLE — She was greater than the stars of heaven which they worshipped. She was a virgin and the Queen of the heavens for Virgo rests over her womb and the northern crown upon her head. She appeared on December 12, 1531, for the stars that she wore are the constellation of stars that appeared in the sky that day!

4. THE BLUE-GREEN HUE OF HER MANTLE — She was a Queen for she wears the color of royalty.

5. THE BLACK CROSS ON THE BROOCH AT HER NECK — Her God was that of the Spanish Missionaries, Jesus Christ her son.

6. THE BLACK BELT — She was with child for she wore the Aztec Maternity Belt.

7. THE FOUR-PETAL FLOWER OVER THE WOMB — She was the "Mother of God." The flower was a special symbol of life, movement and deity — the center of the universe.

8. HER HANDS ARE JOINED IN PRAYER — She was not God but clearly there was one greater than Her and she pointed her finger to the cross on her brooch.

9. THE DESIGN ON HER ROSE-COLORED GARMENT — She is the "Queen of the Earth," for she is wearing a map of Mexico telling the Indians exactly where the apparition took place.
33. Fiffi ( 29/09/2007 17:59)
Hery: le ao am jereo eto io de ity no soratra ao :

Misy diso ny fikarohana nataonao."
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