velouma dôly afaka herinandro

61. fasaly ( 12/05/2006 09:03)
62. Fiffi ( 12/05/2006 09:18)
63. ari.malala ( 12/05/2006 10:13)
nanin totofy? :-*:-*:*:*:*:*:*:*
ary in ty nampivandravandra an'i fasaly???

Bon week end daolo ary de am manarak ndray e
64. pissoa ( 12/05/2006 10:58)
:-*:-*:-* njy ry ari. dia tongava soa ny junior, hihihi.
65. ari.malala ( 12/05/2006 11:03)
pissoa, efa we ts mbola conge de maternite wa fa repos alo :) miteny eto ihany za refa tena conge de maternite ka :-*:-*:-*-:*
66. mamzelkely ( 12/05/2006 11:13)
sasa ho any eeee ande ho any eeee :-D:-D:-*:-*

totofy ts hande zah ra mbol malahelo be eo enao :-D:-D:-*:-*
67. diamondra27 ( 12/05/2006 11:18)
ity zany no teny farany fa de veloma vetivety mamz sy ari. de makà aina tsara de aza ela loatra na varimbariana any an!

'zay fa lasa aho fa tsy mahandry ny farany sy le adieu tena tsy de tiako loatra

kiss be ho anareo 2
68. totofy ( 12/05/2006 11:46)
totofy ts hande zah ra mbol malahelo be eo enao

aza mandé ary é , (zao zany lé hoe " mampody....":?:)
69. mamzelkely ( 12/05/2006 11:49)
diams :-*:-*:-* njy

totofy ts mety ee ts possible ts maints lasa zao :-D:-D
70. kala ( 12/05/2006 12:01)
mamzel & ari > ataovy bobaka le mosoara akia :-D:-D
:-* :-* :-*

totofy > (l)

mbola mamangy kely eto ihany aloha de manararaotra:wink:
71. ari.malala ( 12/05/2006 12:07)
kala, tssss, za ts mila mosoara ka :) fa za mbola miandry andry amle antso an ;)
72. mamzelkely ( 12/05/2006 12:38)
:cry::cry::cry: afaka roa herinandro any mifankahita eee:°)
73. ari.malala ( 12/05/2006 13:30)
zay fa tena bye bye amzay de bon wend daolo e! ts mbola tena conge de maternite ty fa hitanareo eny ihany fa teneniko eto an :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*mazotou daolo d bon serasera jiaby :) za ndray tsy hi:cry: fa vao maika hi :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dbe mintsy
74. Fiffi ( 13/05/2006 04:48)
mamzelkely , ari.malala: :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
75. Fiffi ( 13/05/2006 15:09)
76. dadabe ( 14/05/2006 15:10)
77. fasaly ( 14/05/2006 17:55)
ari.malala: nivanjanvanja beuh zà fa i totofy velona beuh nanome bsou anjy de nony avy teo toa vaky fo nalahelo beuh ndray kouuuuuu!:wink:
eny aza fa de manaova congé finaritra nareo roa aby mamz sy ari.8):-*
78. Fiffi ( 15/05/2006 05:38)
ho an'i mamz sy ari.malala: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
79. fasaly ( 15/05/2006 11:49)
tena mbola vao ny lundi no tsy lasa de efa mank beuh mintsy nareo roa zany fa malelo beuh zà:cry::cry: aiza ity mbola une semaine sy deux semaines:cry:miverena amzay kaaaaaaaaaa!:snif::snif::snif:
80. Fiffi ( 15/05/2006 11:59)
mahatsiaro tena misy fahabangana eh ? :(:(:(:-*:-*:-*
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