J'envoie certains chancelleries à mada se faire cuire un oeuf!

1. charminggirl5 ( 16/03/2020 06:29)
Salama daholo,

Hi All,

My name is Cecilia, I am Malagasy who is studying in New Zealand! I have always refused to study in France for so MANY reasons! One of the reasons being... I do not like French people..particulalrly those living in our country, Madaagscar! I hate them the same way as I hate the Pakistanese lving in M/scar as they are just a bunch of opportunists. Besides lately, France has forced its was to our "islands", which to me, constitute an "act of theft"!!! Yes, the French government is in my view, stealing those islands from our country!

Ity misy Blog iray izay amiko, analyse objective mikasika ny resaka délivrance de visa. Raha curieux ianao, mba vakio fa inter ihany:


My koa pejy FB ho ahitanareo infos samihafa raha hoe mitady école ianareo ailleurs na koa hoe misy olona tsy dia salama ka mitady firenena manana hopitaly tsara ohatra kenefa tsy voatery hangalana visa na alalana izany:


Bon courage daholo!
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