61. rhaj0 ( 19/02/2020 12:31)
Eraky ny radio sy tele indray izao aty, bankiropitra, faillite ny Boy Scouts of America. Eny, ny Scouts ao Zamerika ao dia rava.

Satria nahoana hozy nareo?

Satria nisy FANOLANANA (abus sexuels) koa tao, ary dia notorina ilay institution, ary tsy naintsy nandoa onitra fa meloka, ary dia io bankiropitra io.

Rava ny Scout ao Zamerika.
Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy protection amid wave of sex-abuse lawsuits

Fa ahoana kosany ny heloky ry Vatikana?

1- hiaiky HELOKA ihany va re I Vatikana? Hiaiky izy fa nandefa criminel hamono ny fanahin'ny Ankizy teo ambany fiahiany?

2- Handoa onitra ho an'izay voan'ny fanolanana ve I Vatikana?

3- Fa rahoviana nefa moa I Vatikana no ho faillite?
62. rhaj0 ( 20/02/2020 12:53)
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, filed for bankruptcy Wednesday, six months after disclosing it had paid millions of dollars to people sexually abused as children by its clerics.
In August, the diocese said it paid 106 people a total of just over $12 million to compensate for claims of sexual abuse they suffered as children from its clerics, deacons and seminarians,

Kay koa izany bankiropitra koa ny Diosezy iray ao Zamerika ao. TSara ho azy izay.

NOdiovina t@ millions of dollars ny eritreritra sy voninahitry ny Arseveka..
Ny Papa @ io tena manala tena, miala andraikitra, nefa izy no deba be @ Tanana.
ntss.. amidio ilay baiboly volamena dia ameo compensation ny olona ee...
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