Gasy Misotro Kafe Maraina

1. rhaj0 ( 07/09/2017 14:07)
Feno 4 taona ny Gasy Misotro Kafe Maraina,

Eto @ lohahevitra politika ity, nefa... niezaka aho ny TSy hanisy resaka politika ao @ Bilaogy. Fa kosa, hanampy ny mpiresaka Politika ny lahatsoratra t@ gazety tateriko ao.

Toa izao ny statistikan'ny fitsidihan'ny mpamangy ny Bilaogy hatramin'izay efa-taona izay:
Ny Kaontera dia nanisa eo @ 22.619 pejy voavaky
- i Google Analytics dia milaza fa misy amina 5.973 Users eran-tany, avy amin'ny tanana toa an'i #1.Antananarivo (523 Users), #2. Paris (296 Users)... hatrany #5. New York (115 Users) ary #12 Moscow (47 Users) sy #14. Beijing (33 Users), ary #25 Mahajanga (22 Users) sy #82 Antsirabe (12 Users) ary #83 Toamasina (8 Users) ... hatrany #123 Osaka (5 users) sy #223 Dakar (4 Users) ary #1309. Brookhaven (1 User)...

Toa izao ohatra ny santionan'ny zaraina ao

Mikama - Sep 7, 2017:

Dans The Guardian
But half of Madagascar’s children are so chronically malnourished they grow up too small for their age, a condition known as stunting. The odds against these children making it to secondary school, let alone managing an intellectually or physically challenging job, are vertiginous. Research shows that if a child is stunted by the age of two, the damage to their young minds and bodies is virtually irreversible. (..) This Indian Ocean island is a biodiversity hotspot, rich in crops and minerals. But it is a poor country, with a mainly rural population of 24 million, projected to double by 2030, and a poverty rate of more than 90% . (..) It not only robs children of their future, but countries of their future workforce. A stunted child, will, on average, earn 26% less than her peers. The annual loss of income in Madagascar due to malnutrition is estimated to be $740m (£565m), or 7% of the country’s GDP, according to Unicef. (..) During the latest political crisis, which followed the 2009 coup, many health centres closed, salaries went unpaid and foreign aid dried up. (..) If 70% of the population had access to safe water, it would have a “significant impact on malnutrition and stunting”, he says, but adds: “We would need $200m a year. At the moment, the Wash [water, sanitation and hygiene] sector receives $120m.”

novalian'i rhaj0 ny 05/10/2017 13:41
2. endriny ( 03/10/2017 05:19)
Izaho manokana aloha dia tsy mahita izay tombontsoa amin'ireo tetikasa mifanitsa-kitro ireo, fa ry zareo mpivarotra 4x4 sy ny total ary ny mpanana villa no voky aloha
3. rhaj0 ( 05/10/2017 13:41)
Giravy ilay fiainana ry Endriny aa.. Raha ny hitakitako eny rehetra eny, dia raha tsorina dia:

Ilay ISIKA dia izay olona mba décent sy honnête sy mpanaja ny hafa sy ny tenany ets..
Ireo mpandresy dia ireo olona jiolahimboto mpandrapaka.

Nijery ilay series @ Netflix nataon'i Oliver Stone aho, ny tantaran'ny Bekintana, ary dia sirika be ao, rehefa entrecouper-na @ vaovao manerana ny tany, fa dia nisy ilay "tournant" nampivadika ny tantara t@ 1945-46, ary dia izao RESY izao ISIKA.

Ho tantaraiko miadana eto ny mahaRESY antsika, fa raha fintinina aloha, dia TSY rariny sy TSY hitsiny ity fiainana izao ity, ary tena hotrhotry ny tsy hita izay hiadiana na anaovana azy.

Afaka ho tohizantsika miresaka miadana, ary ho lavabe eto ity resaka ity...
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