Mankany an-danitra ... everything around us, hoy ny Papa

1. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 03:18)
Tao @ New York Times..
novalian'i rhaj0 ny 15/12/2014 16:15
2. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 13:50)
o zareo... tena reviko mihintsy ity Papantsika ity... serieux. :-)

... Francis, an Argentine Jesuit who took his papal name from St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, would suggest that they have a place in heaven.

Fa tena mbola "suggestion" izany ilay izy fa tsy tena izy hono io an.. ngo dia taitra eo daholo nareo, ka dia eo hoe, ny "alika" koa izany mankany an-danitra fanefa ny "mpanota" dia tsy mankany...

Satria ny mpi-spin dia tena manao toupie-youpie :-)
Theologians cautioned that Francis had spoken casually, not made a doctrinal statement.

3. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 14:23)
Tena (mbola) matory ve nareo ry vahoaka a... fa zava-dehibe anie io resaky ny Papa io e... Ny mpanaraka aty dia tonga @ hoe : "everybody was talking about it.". Izany izao no ho resaka r@ souper de Noel... :-)

Ka raha mankany an-danitra koa izany ny Alika ohatra, dia hozy ny olona hoe:
"a new debate on whether animals have souls, suffer and go to heaven"

Dia nefany ny Papa Benoa dia tena @ ilay hoe:
" in a 2008 sermon in which he asserted that when an animal dies, it “just means the end of existence on earth.”"

Ka dia ahoana izany ? Benoa sa Fransoa ????
4. gasy1zay ( 15/12/2014 14:25)


o zareo... tena reviko mihintsy ity Papantsika ity... serieux. :-)

... Francis, an Argentine Jesuit who took his papal name from St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, would suggest that they have a place in heaven.

Fa tena mbola "suggestion" izany ilay izy fa tsy tena izy hono io an.. ngo dia taitra eo daholo nareo, ka dia eo hoe, ny "alika" koa izany mankany an-danitra fanefa ny "mpanota" dia tsy mankany...

Satria ny mpi-spin dia tena manao toupie-youpie :-)
Theologians cautioned that Francis had spoken casually, not made a doctrinal statement.

Ny "alika" aloha dia efa voasoratra fa tsy ho tafiditra any koa e :"Fa any ivelany ny alika sy ny mpanao ody ratsy sy ny mpijangajanga sy ny mpamono olona sy ny mpanompo sampy ary izay rehetra tia lainga sady mandainga."
5. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 14:35)
hum... ka hono ho'a ryGasy1zay... raha izany : "mandainga" ve ny Papa Fransoa ????
6. gasy1zay ( 15/12/2014 14:39)


hum... ka hono ho'a ryGasy1zay... raha izany : "mandainga" ve ny Papa Fransoa ????

Milaza ny heviny araka ny fahitany azy izy, fa raha izay heviny izay aloha dia tsy mifanaraka @ baiboly e! Raha niteny izy hoe tsy voalazan'ny baiboly hoe tsy miditra any ny alika, ny L+L sy V+V dia afaka namaly aho hoe "mandainga" izy na hoe "tsy namaky tsara izy" selon ny fandraisanao azy.
7. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 14:51)
.. fa toa TSY ny Papa Fransoa no "mandainga" fa .. isika, na hoe ireo mi-interpreter ny interpretation an'i Papa Fransoa.. no "tia lainga"

Fa rahefa mandinika indray aho, dia hotry ny reviko indray koa ny Papa Benoa..
"when an (...) dies, it “just means the end of existence on earth.”"

8. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 14:55)
Fa raha "marina" ny "suggestion" an'ny Papa Fransoa, ka hoe "animals have souls, suffer and go to heaven"... dia hitan'ny havany eo daholo ireo izay mihinana hena e... namono SOUL...

Ho kofona daholo izao ny katolika r@ souper de noel :-)

9. gasy1zay ( 15/12/2014 15:24)


Fa raha "marina" ny "suggestion" an'ny Papa Fransoa, ka hoe "animals have souls, suffer and go to heaven"... dia hitan'ny havany eo daholo ireo izay mihinana hena e... namono SOUL...

Ho kofona daholo izao ny katolika r@ souper de noel :-)

Tsy misy tokony hampisalasala mintsy ny fihinana hena rehefa namaky ny baiboly ianao rhaj0 a! Izay tsy mahalala no taitaitra isaky ny misy fampianarana vaovao na hevibaovao mivoaka etsy sy eroa, fa raha efa nandinika ny baiboly ianao dia efa ao daoly ny valin'ny fanontaniana sy ny zavatra rehetra.

10. hery ( 15/12/2014 15:26)
Tsy azoko tsara ny dikan'ilay correction nataon'ny NY Times ery ambany amin'ilay article:

Correction: December 12, 2014
An earlier version of this article misstated the circumstances of Pope Francis’ remarks. He made them in a general audience at the Vatican, not in consoling a distraught boy whose dog had died. The article also misstated what Francis is known to have said. According to Vatican Radio, Francis said: “The Holy Scripture teaches us that the fulfillment of this wonderful design also affects everything around us,” which was interpreted to mean he believes animals go to heaven. Francis is not known to have said: “One day, we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.'’ (Those remarks were once made by Pope Paul VI to a distraught child, and were cited in a Corriere della Sera article that concluded Francis believes animals go to heaven.) An earlier version also referred incompletely to the largest animal protection group in the United States. It is the Humane Society of the United States, not just the Humane Society.
11. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 15:47)
.. an an... ka dia araka ny fiteny hoe, ka dia "savony vava" nareo kah... ny olona (be dia be tantarain'i NY Times ireo) kay izany no tsy parfait, dia io misavorovoro mibolisadrisatra eraky ny internety io... :-)

Ekena indray azany mba tsy ifandirana e...
12. rhaj0 ( 15/12/2014 16:15)
St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, would suggest that they have a place in heaven.

... Pope Paul VI was said to have once told a distraught boy whose dog had died: “One day, we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.”

... (Pope) Benedict (..) asserted that when an animal dies, it “just means the end of existence on earth.”

(Pope Francis) teaches us that the fulfillment of this wonderful design also affects everything around us.”

Ka iza no tianao... Rakoto sa Ravao ??? Sa Rakotovao ?? :-)
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