Tsolotra goavana ao amin'ny Federation Malgache de Foot Ball ?

1. hery ( 20/06/2014 05:20)
Salama indray,

Mamaky fotsiny dia mandinika an'ity email nifanaovan'i Ahmad tamin' i Najeeb Chirakal


Ny manintona dia ilay hoe

As regards to what I discuss with the President Bin HAMMAM in qatar, I contact you to inform him about my election in the fédération in my country. He promise to give me a help.
Best regards.

Dia novalian'ilay ranamana hoe

Can you please advice as to how we can deliver it to you.

Dia namaly Ahmad hoe

February 24, 2010 4:13:41 PM
Two possibility to send it I mean : by bank swift or I can take it in Paris with Ahmed Diallo, I have to go to Paris in March.

Dia aleo samy maminavina sy mijery ny tantara.
- Taona 2010
- Nisy fifidianana ny Aprily 2010 ary lany i Ahmad (http://www.mediaterranee.com/Rubriques-generales/Sport/Ahmad-reelu-president-de-la-Federation-malgache-de-Football.html )
- Nisy fifidianana tamin'ity taona ity dia mbola lany koa izy (kandida tokana) ary sady minisitry ny trondro.

Mazotoa daholo e.

novalian'i hery ny 14/01/2015 10:22
2. mpisotrtoaka ( 14/01/2015 06:24)
Lalina indray zany Rahery a ! Aty za vao nahita an'ity !
3. mpisotrtoaka ( 14/01/2015 06:25)
D hoe ministry ny trondro !
4. hery ( 14/01/2015 10:22)
Ato koa ara misy video

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